Monday 16 September 2013

[Picture] 130914 Hyoyeon Instagram Update: 'It was nice meeting all our Indonesian fans~!'

[Picture] 130914 SNSD Hyoyeon Instagram Update: 'It was nice meeting all our Indonesian fans~!'

Check out [Picture] 130912 Hyoyeon and Yuri with Park Jiwoo
Check out [Video] 130910 Hyoyeon - MBC FM4U Kim Shinyoung's Music Party

The caption of the photo:
소시는 인도네시아에서 콘서트를 멋지게 마쳤어요~!!^^ 인도네시아 팬분들 만나서 방가웠어요~!^^ㅎㅎ 글구!!! 지금 생방송중인 Dancing9 !! 블루팀!! 소시 마스터가 자리에 함께하지 못했지만, 여기서 소시와 응원중이니 블루팀 최고의 무대 보여주세요~!!화이팅!! 여러분들도 블루팀 응원 부탁드려요~~~!!! 블루블루~~!

Soshi has cooly completed a concert in Indonesia~!!^^ It was nice meeting all our Indonesian fans~!^^ hehe and!!! Dancing9 that is airing now!! Blue team!! Soshi masters couldn't be there, but we're here cheering together with Soshi so blue team, show us your best performance~!! Fighting!! Everyone too, I'm counting on you to support the blue team~~~!!! Blue blue~~!

Source: watasiwahyo on Instagram
Translation by ch0sshi

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