Monday, 5 November 2012

[HD Pictures] 121105 SNSD @ Gimpo Airport by Fansites

[HD Pictures] 121105 SNSD @ Gimpo Airport by FansitesClick to enlarge   Photo by readyaction, ccanjuk, limyoona, jessture, chunyoon, tangpa, heliantus Uploaded by tets...

Taeyeon is certified to have an ant waist

Taeyeon is certified to have an ant waistIt is no news to netizens that SNSD's Taeyeon boasts a sexy S-line figure but recent photos of her showed that she indeed has an ant waist. Recently, several...

YoonA’s Close Up Selcas Show Flawless Beauty

YoonA’s Close Up Selcas Show Flawless Beauty YoonA shared some close-up selcas that highlighted her flawless goddess-like beauty.A post was made on an online community forum titled, “YoonA Changes Her...

YoonA to guest on Leeteuk’s ‘Strong Heart’ special

YoonA will be a guest on Leeteuk‘s ‘Strong Heart‘ special.YoonA was brought onto the show because she was one of the 100 connection guests that Leeteuk had chosen. She talked about events that occurred...

[Download] 121105 Yoona & Sunny @ Gimpo Airport by Limyoona & Helianthus

previewDownloadLimyoona @JijiYeon9 for more compile!Credits:Photos by Limyoona &...

[Download] 121105 Tiffany @ Gimpo Airport by HALO (4P)

previewDownload @JijiYeon9 for more compile!Credits:Photos by HALOCompiled by JijiYeon9@smtownsnsd.comTake out with full credi...

[Download] 121105 Taeyeon @ Gimpo Airport by CCANJUK (4P)

Download @JijiYeon9 for more compile!Credits:Photos by Ccanjuk.comCompiled by JijiYeon9@smtownsnsd.comTake out with full credi...

[Download Compilation] 121101 Yoona, Yuri & Sooyoung @ Incheon Airport by Fansite (57P)

previewDownload! @JijiYeon9 for more compile!Credits:Photos by 0nlyul, chunyoon, Ready?Action!, soshicafe, sosicore, The Darling, Theyayahtastic, withsosiCompiled...

[FMV] YoonA - You Are So Beautiful

Credit: Tubogapo9sPosted by: @Ninee...

[Picture] Hyoyeon with Eunhyuk at SMTown Live World Tour Backstage

[Picture] Hyoyeon with Eunhyuk at SMTown Live World Tour Backstage Source: KPOP on Faceb...