Wednesday, 23 May 2012

120524 Yuri @ SBS Fashion King Official Pictures

Credits:Photos by SBS || @TAENYsCHILD [SMTownSNSD]Take Out With Full Cred...

120523 Yoona @ KBS Love Rain Recording Official Pictures

Click on the picture to enlarge!      Credits:Photos by KBS || @TAENYsCHILD [SMTownSNSD]Take Out With Full Cred...

[Download] 120520 SMTown Live Concert LA - Taeyeon Devil's Cry By Flying Petals!

[Download] 120520 SMTown Live Concert LA - Taeyeon Devil's Cry By Flying Petals!Preview:Click here to downloadCredit: Flying PetalsUploaded by @Sonehsun...

[Download] 120518 Music bank by JJOGGOMI

[Download] 120518 Music bank by JJOGGOMIPreview : Click here to downloadCredit: JJOGGOMIUploaded by @Foreverso...

[Download Fancam] 120520 SMTown LA - SNSD - Gee - by smackie

[Download Fancam] 120520 SMTown LA - SNSD - Gee - by smackie !Preview:Click here to downloadCredit : smackie Uploaded by @believeTa...

Taeyeon: "Early Morning Rehearsals Are Difficult"

Girls’ Generation’s TaeTiSeo guested on yesterday’s episode of KBS JOY “Lee Sora’s Second Proposal,” where they talked about the girls talked about their busy schedules. Taeyeon revealed, “There are so...

The Legend of SooTae: 'Past & the Present'!

The Legend of SooTae: 'Past & the Present'! :)Source: weiboVia @TaengS...

Yuri's outfit in 20 episode of Fashion King !

Yuri's outfit in 20 episode of Fashion King !Click to enlarge the pictureSource: tensionup-gg.tistory....

[Fancam] SNSD - TTS _ SMTOWN III 2012 - Anaheim!

SNSD - TTS _ SMTOWN III 2012 - Anaheim!Devil's Cry (Taeyeon) - Run Devil Run - talking w/ fans - Genie - Kissing you - Twinkle (TTS) - Tell me your wish - Gee - The Boys (English version)Source quangvtruong@youtube....

[Download] 120518 Seohyun 100 Million Quiz show by Hyunhock

[Download] 120518 100 Million Quiz show by HyunhockPreview :Click here to downloadCredit to HyunhockUploaded by @foreverso...

Girls’ Generation-TTS chose Hyoyeon as the member whom they like to carry out their activities with.

Girls’ Generation-TTS chose Hyoyeon as the member whom they like to carry out their activities with.On MBC ‘Beautiful Concert’ aired on May 22nd, Girls’ Generation-TTS performed ‘Twinkle’ and ‘Baby Steps’...