Friday, 3 May 2013

Interview with Girls’ Generation’s Award-winning Stylist Seo Sookyung

Interview with Girls’ Generation’s Award-winning Stylist Seo SookyungGirls’ Generation’s stylist, Seo Sookyung, is renowned for her talent, even winning the Style Award at the 2012 Gaon Awards. She took...

[Official Pictures] 130504 Yoona for Eider

[Official Pictures] 130504 Yoona for Eider Check out [Videos] 130502 Yoona and Seohyun - SK Telecom LTE CFs (TV On-air Version)Check out [Pictures] 130501 Yoona and Seohyun for SK Telecom LTE PromotionSource:...

[Video] 130503 HyoYeon Special Stage - Dancing With the Star S3

[Video] 130503 HyoYeon Special Stage - Dancing With the Star S3 Check out [Picture] 130503 Hyoyeon with Sririta Jensen at Sri Panwa HotelCheck out [Pictures] 130503 Hyoyeon with FriendsSource: byuntaengyi@youube....

Taeyeon pays a visit to Beethoven’s grave in Vienna

Taeyeon pays a visit to Beethoven’s grave in ViennaTaeyeon really is making the most of her well deserved break.She’s been traveling around all over Europe, including the United Kingdom and the Czech...

[Picture] 130503 Hyoyeon Instagram Update: 'great day! @sripanwa @sriritajensen @khanthaitay'

[Picture] 130503 Hyoyeon Instagram Update: 'great day! @sripanwa @sriritajensen @khanthaitay'Check out [Picture] 130503 Hyoyeon with Sririta Jensen at Sri Panwa HotelCheck out [Picture] 130503 Hyoyeon...

[Picture] 130503 Hyoyeon Instagram Update: 'i'm at the paradise. @sripanwa #phuket #sripanwa'

[Picture] 130503 Hyoyeon Instagram Update: 'i'm at the paradise. @sripanwa #phuket #sripanwa'Check out [Picture] 130503 Hyoyeon with Sririta Jensen at Sri Panwa HotelCheck out [Pictures] 130503 Hyoyeon...

[TRANS] 130502 Yuri UFO Replies

[TRANS] 130502 Yuri UFO RepliesCheck out [TRANS] 130428 Yuri UFO RepliesCheck out [Picture] 130424 Yuri for Mamonde Promotion [Fan] it’s May, unnie, May! and next week, solo concert tickets go on sale~...

[Picture] 130503 Hyoyeon with Sririta Jensen at Sri Panwa Hotel

[Picture] 130503 Hyoyeon with Sririta Jensen at Sri Panwa Hotel!Check out [Pictures] 130503 Hyoyeon with FriendsCheck out [Pictures] 130502 Hyoyeon and Sunny in Phuket, ThailandThe caption of the photo:Jumping...

2013 Girls’ Generation World Tour “Girls & Peace” in SEOUL Global Package Tour

2013 Girls’ Generation World Tour “Girls & Peace” in SEOUL Global Package Tour  <ENGLISH> The Global Package for 2013 Girls’ Generation World Tour “Girls & Peace” in...

Tiffany to throw opening pitch for Los Angeles Dodgers on May 6th

Tiffany to throw opening pitch for Los Angeles Dodgers on May 6thGuess who’s the next Girls’ Generation member to throw the opening pitch for a baseball game?It’s no other than Tiffany and she will be...

Seohyun and Sooyoung show off their alluring charms in ‘High Cut’

Seohyun and Sooyoung show off their alluring charms in ‘High Cut’Seohyun and Sooyoung became the latest cover girls to grace the ‘High Cut’ magazine with their beautiful spring and summer-themed pictorials.Dressed...

[Picture] 130503 Taeyeon Instagram Update: 'I met him #warm #Beethoven'

[Picture] 130503 Taeyeon Instagram Update: 'I met him #warm #Beethoven'Check out [Picture] 130503 Taeyeon Instagram Update: 'Yayyy! start from TODAY! 놀자'Check out [Picture] 130502 Taeyeon Instagram Update:...