Wednesday, 1 August 2012

[Photo] Tiffany with a Thai SONE

Credits: SSN, GGPalacePosted by: @armix...

SNSD has become nominated in two categories for Popdust’s ‘2012 Pop Olympics Finals’

SNSD has become nominated in two categories for Popdust’s ‘2012 Pop Olympics Finals’.SNSD was nominated first for the category of ‘Best YouTube Moment’, in which it competes with Justin Bieber, Taylor...

Yuri for Mamonde - Ceci Magazine August Issue

Yuri for Mamonde - Ceci Magazine August Issue Credits : eyeballcancer ll Tetsuya [SONEms.n...

Sooyoung expressed her thoughts about being a main character in ‘The 3rd Hospital’

Sooyoung, along with actors Kim SeungWoo, Kim MinJung and Oh JiHo attended the press conference of the upcoming tvN’s drama ‘The 3rd Hospital’ on July 31st at Hwaseong, Gyeonggi-do.Sooyoung, who was...

Siwon Tweets Picture With Birthday Girl Tiffany


120801 [Trans Message & Selcas] [From. Tiffany] ^^*

Today is really my day ~~~!!! ^^*Credits:Trans by ch0sshihttp://girlsgeneration.smtown....

Gina Lee posts a selca with Seohyun on Twitter

Gina Lee, just shared a selca of herself and the maknae Seohyun today on her Twitter.She wrote: "짜잔~~ 이 미녀는 누규?..@@"Credits: @ginasam (Gina Lee's Twitter) / @soshi...

120801 Seohyun's Selca Picture

Credits:ginasam@twitter || @soshiheart9 ( Take Out With Full Credi...

[POSTER] SM Family for SMART Exhibition !

[POSTER] SM Family for SMART Exhibition !Click to EnlargeSource: S.M Entertainm...

120801 Tiffany @ 1st look Magazine Official Picture

Credits:firstlook_T || @soshiheart9 ( Take Out With Full Credi...

120801 Jessica at BOBBI BROWN Opening event

Cr: TV Daily