Sunday 5 August 2012

Sooyoung Finishes Filming for ‘The 3rd Hospital’

Sooyoung recently finished filming her last scene for the upcoming tvN drama “The 3rd Hospital”. She has been filming for five months since March of this year.
On her last day as Lee Euijin, the character that Sooyoung plays, the filming set transformed into a sea of tears. As soon as the director yelled “cut” and her acting came to an end, Oh Jiho, the actor who plays Seunghyun and who Sooyoung has the most scenes with, brought out a cake to celebrate Sooyoung’s last day of shooting.
Admist the warm applause and cheers, Sooyoung blew out the candles and finally burst into tears that she had been trying to hold in. She shared her thoughts on her last day of filming, and the staff and crew also teared up when they felt her sincerity.

Afterwards, Sooyoung passed out handwritten letters and signed Girls’ Generation CDs to over one hundred staff members. She also gifted them whitening makeup because she felt that the staff had suffered through many outdoor filming scenes.
The staff, sad from having to part ways with Sooyoung’s considerate nature and her exceptional ability to always lift the mood of people around her, threw a party for her, despite the all-night filming they faced that night.

“The 3rd Hospital” is the first medical drama based on eastern medicine and is set to air on September 5th.

Sources: Reviewstar, bnt News
Translated by: taengbear@soshified, minigiglo@soshified
Edited by: taengsoshi@soshified, bhost909@soshified, michaelroni@soshified

Posted by: @armixoxo

SONEs donate 9 wells to Cambodia for Girls’ Generation’s 5th anniversary

In celebration of Girls’ Generation‘s 5th anniversary, SONEs have decided to donate wells to the country of Cambodia.
With the funds earned from active fundraising, fan club members are said to have participated in the improvement of drinking water project of international Civilian Emergency Relief Center ‘World Share‘, by donating the ’9 Wells of Love’.
Although there have been cases of individual fan clubs donating as acts of community service, this is the first time that 8 different fan clubs have come together to donate funds as one.
The 8 participating fanclubs, ‘Flying Petals‘, ‘COTTON CANDY‘, ‘Woorissica‘, ‘TheStephi‘, ‘Shining Smile‘, ‘Kwon Yuri 125‘, ‘Deeryoona‘, and ‘Seople‘ donated 9,999,999.00 KRW (around $8,810 USD) representing the 9 girl group members, to ‘World Share’.
The project is to take place in the Cambodian villages of Takeo, Tramkak, TaPhem and TaMuch, and each well will be named after one of the Girls’ Generation members.
One fan club member stated, “All of the sites have wanted to unite together and carry out an act of kindness, which is why we decided to make the donation on August 5th, for Girls’ Generation’s 5th anniversary.” The individual continued, “If another opportunity like this comes along, we want to continue participating in good deeds.
In related news, watch a 5th anniversary celebratory video created by another Girls’ Generation fanclub, ‘Soshified‘, below!

Credits: || @soshiheart9 (

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12plus Reveals Details of Tiffany’s Endorsement !

Following Tiffany’s visit to Thailand for 12plus CF filming, the Thailand-based facial product company spoke out on why they chose Tiffany to endorse their “Double Aura Lucent BB powder” with Super Junior’s Siwon. This product marks the company’s advancement into the face powder market, making Tiffany’s endorsement even more significant.
To bring in the two SMTOWN stars as models, 12plus paid approximately 150 million baht or about $4.76 million USD. Wayama Prasertsakul, marketing director of 12plus cosmetic brands, revealed, “Introducing cosmetic products is our main strategy,” and, “12plus’ target market is aimed at students who have the potential to be dynamic with what they use.” Thus, Tiffany and Siwon were the perfect choice as the faces of their new product to address both the Thai market and the world market in the future as both are global Hallyu leaders. Morever, 12plus is the first brand Tiffany has endorsed in Thailand, and the company believes she will show and guarantee product quality as she uses the “Double Aura Lucent BB powder” both on and off the stage
12plus plans to utilize “360 degree of marketing medium”, in which they explore all venues of advertisement, including television, print advertisement, radio, and much more. There will also be a number of various promotions, including artist meet-and-greets for consumers. With Tiffany and Siwon as their endorsers, 12plus expects revenue growth on cosmetic products to increase by at least 35% this year alone. The company also has plans to complete the “12plus Miracle Double Aura Lucent Series” product line to better satisfy their target market. Look forward to more promotional activities for Tiffany in Thailand under 12plus in the future.



MV of Girls' Generation's "PAPARAZZI" has exceeded 10 million views.

Main Music Video of Girls' Generation's Japanese Single "PAPARAZZI" which was released a month (almost 2 months) ago has exceeded 10,000,000 views on YouTube. The Dance Edit has exceeded 5 million views on YouTube.

For now, Girls' Generation's "GEE" is still sitting on the glorious throne of the most viewed GG's MV and most viewed KPOP MV.

Credit: hansoshi @ smtownsnsd 

[TRANS] [From. TIFFANY] It's a little late..

[TRANS] [From. TIFFANY] It's a little late..

소녀시대가 고무장갑을 손에끼든.. 발에끼든..
Whether Girls' Generation is wearing rubber gloves on our hands.. or our feet..
Because there are SONEs who love us unconditionally...
It really makes me look forward to what else we can make happen next together (personally)ㅋㅋ
[You're] really precious... Really thank you... And I love you so much…………happy 5th♥

Source: Official Website
Translated by @ch0sshi

[HD Scans] Seohyun @ Ceci Magazine August Issue

Credits : sosiz  + []

[Pictures] 5th Anniversary fan meeting from Staff Diary


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[Trans Message & Selca] [From Taeyeon] ♡

Thank you to SONE who spent Girls' Generation's 5th anniversary together~~^^

While having our sm town concert at the Tokyo Dome today, we received many congratulations!

I was a lot happier because I was there with all my members♡
Just like the great love SONEs give us, we will do just as good....♡ (saying they'll work hard)
Let's give each other gifts^^
Please take care of us in the future, SONE!
I love you^^

Taengoo holding flowers on her birthday!! ㅎㅎ

English Trans by @
Posted by @soshiheart9 (

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SM Entertainment reveals some of its featured displays for the upcoming, "S.M. ART Exhibition"

On August 4th, SM Entertainment shared some photos of its displays that will be featured in their upcoming "S.M. Art Exhibition," which will be held from August 10th until the 19th at Samsung's COEX in Seoul.
As one enters the exhibition, they will be greeted by a 24-meter long display wide screen featuring 45 of SM Entertainment artists. The "Fantasy Tree" is a 13-meter long tree shaped screen that will display grand scale performances by SM artists, and is located at the center of the exhibition.
"Live With Star" is a display in which one person will b chosen at random for an opportunity to get a call from an SM artist. The "S.M. - Motion with CANNON" is an exhibition that uses the film technique from 70 Cannon EOS 5D Mark II cameras, placing you Girls' Generation's and Super Junior-M's music videos.
Check out the photos that were included below!
[Welcome Stage]
"45 of S.M. artists in the 24m-long wide screen will be welcoming you at the entrance of the exhibition!"
[Fantasy Tree]
"The grand-scale performances will be presented through the 13m-long tree-shaped screen located in the center of the exhibition."
[Live with Star]
One person will be chosen at random every day to receive an opportunity to have a video call with an artist.
[S.M.-Motion with CANNON]
Using the simultaneous filming technique, 70 Cannon EOS 5D Mark II cameras will put you in the music video with Girls’ Generation and Super Junior-M.
Source: SMTOWN Facebook + koreaboo

[BTS] 120805 SNSD @ LG 3D TV Photoshoot

Source: MrNaengMyeon@Youtube

[TRANS] [From. SOOYOUNG]: 5th Anni! Congrats!

[From. SOOYOUNG]: 5th Anni! Congrats!

"Do you remember how we first met on August 5th of 2007? hehe
I got on stage half worried and half excited...
Since then I lived with only excitement, without worry for 5 years.
Why is it that I'm always excited to meet you even after 5 years? ehehehe bbuing bbuing
Sorry if I made you cringe, I can't help it since it's the 5th anniversary :-)
To the members who came with me along this journey, friends and family that always supported me,
And SONE who looked at us and supported us no matter what.
Today was a day where all sorts of feelings mixed together. Thank you so much.
We can only pay you back with better performances right? hehe
Since you worked so hard to plant seeds in front of us, and watered them with love,
they bloomed and we will now walk "Along the flower path" (Lyrics from How Great is Your Love)
I keep saying things that make you guys cringe hohohoho you miss us right?! keke
Wait just a bit more, we'll feel those butterflies in the stomach soon +_+
There's a lot of rumors going around but all I can say is "soon" ㅠ-ㅠ
(No, the title song is not "Soon". That's a friendly tip from Kind Goddess Sooyoung just in case Sones are coming up with crazy ideas.) hehe
Anyways, I am RE---ALLY happy after receiving all the congratulations!! yoohoo!!
SNSD is now 5 years old.
Until we are 50!! Soshi wants to "Dream Forever With You" (Korean name for the song "Forever")

P.S.: If a skilled Sone translates this and spreads it far and wide, I will love that person.........................

You thought it was over right? +_+
It's been a while since I wrote a message so I can't leave out my drama promotions right? kyokyo
Since today is the 5th, there's only a month left!
Sept 5th. Wed/Thurs nights at 11PM tvn. The 3rd Hospital. Watch it
This has been a 5th anniversary letter to Sones from a way-too-happy Sooyoung~!!
Bye bye!! This is really it!!"

Credit: @d0ngie on twitter,

5 Years of Dreaming-SNSD&SONE

"NINE different girls have now become one"

Its been exactly 5 years since this 9 angels debuted together as Girls' Generation. August 5 2007, the most memorable date for us all SONEs and also for SoShi. Who would ever thought that they would make this BIG ? SoShi proved their critics wrong. They aren't just pretty faces, they are talented too.Their hardwork and effort that they contributed, their sweat and tears have bear fruits successfully, which lead them to climb to the peak that where they are today. Born-to-be-goddesses, 9 Divine Angels, the legend that will echo throughout history, Girls' Generation. What is it that brought SONEs together to dedicate their lives for these ‘strangers’? What is so special that SoShi has that every other groups or artists don’t have?
My friend once asked me " Do they even know you?" . I answered her, " They do know me. In fact they always thank me and mention me and they love me a lot. They know me in the name of this GREATEST Fandom,SONE. I AM SONE. " I shed tears. After that she asked me again "What is so special with that bunch of pretty faces?" I smiled and answer her " They are Girls' Generation and that is so special about them. They are real and they are who they are." .
People misunderstood a SONEs love to addiction and obsession. But let us not mind those thick headed people. What matter most is that we know deep inside us that LOVE brought us to this amazing fandom-->SONE
5 years ago, when no one even knew what Girls' Generation  is, there were 9 girls. 9 normal girls who never even thought they would mark history as deep as it is now. They fought through black ocean, battling whatever came upon them. No matter what the situation, they continued forward along the path of fame without looking back as they knew that one day they will breakthrough and make number 1. 

It doesn't matter if you were there from the very beginning. What matter is YOU LOVE THEM NOW. Being a SONE isn't measured by how long you are the fandom. Its LOVE that matters most. It doesn't matter if you dont have their albums,magazines and other merchandise, what matter most is that you LOVE them all 9 equally. 
Sones swore to the words that will keep the 9 together forever into the future, no matter what happens. Right Now.. Tomorrow… Forever… A few simple words that has great effect. It is because of these words that no matter what comes upon these girls, a wish will always be with them, lingering in the background. No matter how many times you girls’ thank us, we will not accept it… as it is us who should be saying the words “Thank You”.
 "And if you'll still be Girls' Generation in the next life then I'll still be a SONE"

Happy 5th Anniversary SNSD and SONE