Tuesday 29 May 2012

'PAPARAZZI' is the Biggest Girls' Generation's MV by Scale.

Girls’ Generation’s upcoming Japanese single, “PAPARAZZI”, will have a music video that is much bigger in scale than any other music video Girls’ Generation has filmed before.

The music video will start off with a scene of the girls avoiding the paparazzi as they head to the stage, and the highlight is a different style of costume in each scene.

In order to prepare for the filming, a set was built that faithfully reproduced a foreign street, including each nuance that would be on a street. With a total of over 30,000 lights used, a week needed to create the buildings, 120 people hired on staff, and 300 people casted for the music video, this set is the biggest in scale compared with what Girls’ Generation has worked with in the past.

In relation to the title “PAPARAZZI”, the choreography includes the action of taking pictures, and this certainly goes with the girls’ surroundings of continually being the main focus of the media’s attention as they travel around the world.

Source: soshified | Posted by @hansoshi

A Gift of Thanks from Yoona.

As her birthday is here, she also did something heart felt for the staff of her drama “Love Rain.”

On May 29th, in conjunction with the filming of the last episode of “Love Rain,” Yoona presented the staff with the gift of photos.

Yoona said, “All this while, thank you to every staff of ‘Love Rain’. Take this vitamin and stay strong always. Fighting!”  Jang Geun Suk also presented the staff with t-shirts as a sign of his gratitude.

Netizens commented, “As pretty as her face, she has a kind heart as well”, “Both YoonA and the staff have all done well”, “Last time, I think she used to write messages to thank the staff at the end of drama filming too”, “How would the ending of ‘Love Rain’ turn out to be?”.

Awww what a thoughtful gift from our charming girl and perfect timing as she celebrates her 23rd birthday!

Credits: fanwonder via snsdkorean

Posted by: @hansoshi 

[Video] 120530 Sooyoung Highcut Magazine Vol 77 Ipad App


Hangthienbao1@youtube || @TAENYsCHILD [SMTownSNSD]

Take Out With Full Credit!

[Video] 120529 Sooyoung Highcut Ipad v.77 Preview



soneHD@youtube ||  @TAENYsCHILD [SMTownSNSD]

Take Out With Full Credit!

120530 Sunny and Hyoyeon Selca with Invincible Youth S2 Members


Sistarsistar ||  @TAENYsCHILD [SMTownSNSD]

Take Out With Full Credit!

120530 Yoona & Jang Geun Seok's Selca


Photos by AsiaPrince_JKS ||  @TAENYsCHILD [SMTownSNSD]

Take Out With Full Credit!

The Detail Price of Upcoming Japanese Album "PAPARAZZI" revealed!

There will be 3 different types of GG's Upcoming Japanese Album "PAPARAZZI". The Regular package is ¥1,110, The Semi-Full package is ¥1,590, The Full package is ¥1,920.

The album will be released on June 27.

Which Package Type will you buy? ^^

Written + Screenshot by: @hansoshi 

Source site: Universal Music Japan.




Source: SMTOWN@youtube.com

SNSD Japan new single PAPARAZZI PV Teaser !

SNSD Japan new single PAPARAZZI PV Teaser !

SNSD Japan new single PAPARAZZI, PV teaser and intro were introduced in TV morning news.

SNSD Japan new single PAPARAZZI, teaser in TV news ZIP

Credit: @haljung , AMZTT@youtube.com


The day that YoonAddicts has been waiting for... GODDESS YOONG'S BIRTHDAY!I would like to say a big happy 22nd birthday to Yoona. So for her birthday, I will have a Yoona Picture Spam.
[I love this outfit in Love Rain.]
[cr. I AM.]
{a little gif spam}
[cr. qhae@tumblr]
[cr. thebarbieshow@tumblr]
done for my Yoona Pic Spam. #HappyAlligatorDay ![unless not specifically stated] cr. as tagged and to the owners. [@circlingtime][@SMTown_SNSD]

Im Yoona as SNSD's Center/Image a Blessing or a Curse? (Happy Yoona Day )

Much has been said about Yoona being the center of SNSD. A lot of people have shared their views
and opinions that sometimes it makes the entire topic itself redundant. But then again, if we look
beyond the surface, the issue of Yoong being the center of SNSD covers much depth that I believe
we can talk about it forever but we will never be able to fathom its real impact on Yoona and the
people surrounding her.
I will try to do away with enumerating all the pros and cons of her being the face since I believe
Yoonadicts basically have a clear idea of what it feels. Instead, I will give a humble attempt to scratch
beyond the surface of the usual good and bad things about it.
To be blunt, I’d say, Yoona has the heaviest job among all So Nyu Shi Dae members.
True, Taeyeon is the leader and a leader has to deal with managing the members. I salute Taengoo
for being able to do that. Even if she claims that the members do not really need her watching over
them since they are responsible enough, I still believe that she plays a pivotal role of being the
backbone of the group. The last remaining strand of the whole SNSD tapestry. Taeyeon, as the
leader, has to be consistently strong; for as a leader, everything about SNSD will reflect on her.
In as much as our kid leader has this heavy responsibility, I think every SONE or any SNSD-member
fan should at least give due respect to Yoona for the responsibility that she is holding. For when Kim
Taeyeon carries the blame for something SNSD as a group did, Im Yoona’s one slight mistake
affects the entire group in itself.
You see, as the face of SNSD, Yoona stands on the front line. The nine girls are there; the camera
follows. But who’s on the center? It’s Yoona. They attend some variety show; three or four members
are present. Who ends up having more time when the show airs? It’s Yoong.
Because of this, people have this tendency to blame the girl for what is happening. But what they fail
to see is that this is what’s Yoona’s job is for. This is her responsibility. This is HER ROLE. And in as
much as we love it, hate it, or what, IT WILL NOT CHANGE.
Nevertheless, I pose these questions. Had it ever occur to such people how this kind of treatment
actually affects Yoona? Had they ever wondered how she might feel with the camera constantly
shoved on her face? Had it ever cross their mind that this is the heaviest responsibility to be ever
given to a person?
Yoona, being the face, the center, the one who the world revolves around to, brings the name
SNSD. One wrong move for her and the entire group gets the blame. You see how the mechanics
work? For the leader, when the group, holistically, does something negative, she has to live up with
being called a bad leader unless she does something right. But for Yoona, she MUST always
STRIVE to be flawless or else the entire group will suffer for her mistakes.
It took me quite a long time to understand this but to stress my point, I will use an analogy here.
Have you observed why much respect is given to the men who stand in the frontline during the time
for battle? Because they are the one who gets the lashes first. They have to be brave AND they
have to be strong.
And this is where my respect for Yoona comes in. As part of her job, she has to constantly check
herself. She has to be forever flawless. She has to be perfect. But you know what makes Yoona so
special? She does not care about being perfect AT ALL.
In television shows, awards shows, or any media conferences, she’s always this quiet lady with that
pretty smile on her face no matter how hungry, tired, or pissed off she is. She maintains the innocent
and angelic image that she is supposed to have. But when the camera for formal events stop rolling,
we get to see the Yoona that is special to all of us. The Im Yoona with her alligator mouth, Ahn
Youngmi gags, endless pranks, and insatiable appetite. We see the real Yoona. And boy is that
Yoona far from perfect! But have you observed how, in those moments when she’s around her
members, when she’s laughing out loud like there’s no tomorrow, when she shoves food into her
mouth, those are the moments when she is happiest? Those moments, when she is as flawed as
your six-year old next door neighbor with ice cream stains on her shirt and muddy prints on her
shoes, those are the times that she shines the most. That’s the time that she becomes perfect.
I believe Yoona deserves every respect for being able to hold that choding in her and be that
elegant, sweet girl when the camera turns her way. She deserves every amount of respect for being
able to stand strong, in having that responsibility despite being one of the maknaes of the group.
She deserves the respect for in every blow that is targeted for the group, she has to receive it first.
Let’s talk about the issue of Yoong being “your every oppa’s ideal girl”. At first, I was a bit puzzled on
why idols choose her as their Ideal Girl. Yes, Yoong is pretty and nice and witty but with all the
female groups out there, there’s gotta be one person they’d like apart from her, right? It was a
mystery, actually. But in that SGB episode when Yuri said that even if Yoona gets picked as ideal
girl, no idol has actually tried to pursue her or even show signs of actually liking her, I was shocked.
The realization suddenly dawned on me and I feel like giving the poor girl a hug.
It’s as if Yoona is the default Ideal Girl. And you know what that implies? She’s the girl most fitting for
an ideal girl role that even if it’s downright ridiculous how almost the entire male population share
similar taste, people won’t notice it. She is the girl you should choose because she has this long list
of haters from time immemorial and it will not hurt if she gets another hundred on that list. Choose
her because it is the safest most common answer and she is the perfect scapegoat so that the
media will stop bothering you for an ideal girl. Choose her because it’s her job to be chosen.
Isn’t that sad?
And come to think of it, no other idol has suffered as much for being center as her. Super Junior
does not have ‘specific’ center. SHINEE and f(x) does not have one. TVXQ has Jaejoong but it’s
unofficial. I do not know about other groups but if you look at it, for every ten people who’ll hear of
SNSD for the first time in their lives, there’d be one or two who’d go “WHY IS THAT GIRL ALWAYS IN
THE CENTER?” and of course, her anti list grows longer.
I believe this is quite a sensitive topic but since we’ve already touched on that, let’s talk about
antifans. Who do you think gets the largest amount of anti-fans in SNSD? This may be debatable in
regards to Fany, Taeng, Sica, and Yoong but have you observed how out of all four, Yoong gets
hated only for the stupid fact that she sits at the center of SNSD? (To give light to new fans,
Fany/Taeng got their antis mostly from their so-called “rude” moments and Sica got hers for being
an “Ice Princess”)
It’s like an unspoken rule in this dirty kpop-world; it is sad, yes. But it happens.
People react negatively as if the girl specifically asked to be there on the first place. I know it kinda
gets tiring when Yoong gets all the attention while our favorite members remain on the sides, but
honestly, that’s not even a logical reason to hate her.
Sure, sure, the reason of “cameras are the ones following her” is deemed cliché but I will repeat that 
again for this article. However, apart from that, y’know why Yoona still demands your respect? For
even if the cameras are following her, you’ll never see her stop just to face the camera alone; she’ll
always be on the run following the girls, or if not, surrounded by them.
Do you know about that certain awards show wherein the SuJu boys are constantly pulling her into
the middle for the photo-ops but she keeps coming back to where the other members are standing?
Then when they pulled her for the nth time and she can’t return on time to the girls as the cameras
started flashing, she pulled Seobaby with her? How about the time when she said that she wishes
other members will be given the chance to shine on variety shows, particularly Hyo? Remember
when she gushed about how funny Kim Choding really is and that PDs should really give her a
chance? I’m sure we are all familiar of the story on how actress Yoong got an award and after
thanking the people for supporting her; she added “please support SoNyuhShiDae too”. Isn’t it funny
how she can easily make it big on her own but she always strings that name So Nyuh Shi Dae to her
name? Always introducing herself as SNSD’s Yoona and never Im Yoona?
That’s an example of how she remains rooted to the earth and I guess that says a lot about her and
how she deals with her popularity. Yoona knows that even if Sooyoung is the spokesperson of SNSD
whose ability to string words will always amaze people, one statement from her is enough to cause a
headline. And because of this, she uses it not to her advantage, but for the entire group itself. Never
the one who hogs the spotlight. And it really hurts that she is made to look that way.
I salute Yoona for being strong. Her physical strength has always been a hot topic but I rarely see
people discuss about the strong moral fiber this girl has.
Though still considered a rumor since Yoong never really talked about this, I think it’s an open
secret between Yoonaddicts how Yoong’s mom left her when she was young. There might have
been a divorce or some misunderstanding that falls along that line between her parents but at the
end of the day, the sparkling truth remains, Im Yoona does not have a mother. This is the safest
assumption that we can have.
And in speaking of that, I mean the existence of a motherly figure behind her all through these
years. In the sense that I felt heartbroken upon learning that Sooyoung’s mother never really wanted
her as a daughter for she wants a son, the pain is deeper when we talk about Yoona who never
really had the chance to feel the love of a mother at all. At least Sooyoung’s mom has accepted the
fact of having her as a daughter and went on showering her all the love in the world. In Yoong’s
case, it’s different. She is not the type to talk about familial relations but we have heard about her
father and sister, but as for her mother, there’s none. Reminds me during Sukira back in 2009 when
Leeteuk asked them about their song Dear Mom, the girls were all crying and talking about their
moms but Yoona kept her silence. I guess the others know about it since they never pushed the
topic on her but it makes me wonder what she actually felt when they were singing the song. Was
she really indifferent? For all the years growing up without one that she doesn’t feel any pain at all
when talked about matters like this. Or was she a little bit envious? Of how the girls all have their
loving parents with them and that Fany, although orphaned with her mother, had felt what it is like to
have one. Was she sad? That even if her mother is still alive, it’s as good as if she has died
because they never even talked with one another?
Things like that. And in a highly traditional country like Korea, family matters are very important.
Some parents even go to the point of researching a future in-law’s family tree to make sure that their
offspring is being given a worthy spouse. Family is a very important factor which is why being an
orphan or coming from a broken family is quite an issue that people can even use it against you.
It might be the reason why Yoona, in as much as possible, tries to live up in debunking the
stereotype of “a bad child because she does not have a parent to guide her”. It makes perfect
sense how, when asked what she wants to do most after SNSD, she said that she wants to be a
good wife and perfect mother. Probably to make up for all the things that she has never
experienced. This kind of attitude, the kind which instead of repeating history, chooses the option of
change and making it a point to make sure that her child will never experience the suffering that she
has gone through, is remarkable.
I believe that she makes up the absence of her mother to the presence of the girls around her. And
this is the reason why I believe that even if all girls pitch on the “nothing without nine” slogan, Yoona
will always be the one who hopes till end that it will forever remain that way. Even if she has her
separate activities, she will always prefer going back to the dorm and see her eight sisters slash
mothers waiting for her. Even when So Nyuh Shi Dae disappears, her friendship with Kim Taeyeon,
Jung Sooyeon, Lee Sunkyu, Hwang Miyoung, Kim Hyoyeon, Kwon Yuri, Choi Sooyoung, and Seo
Joohyun will forever remain that way.
Remember when her skirt-lifting controversy with Tiffany came up? She mentioned being scared of
cameras for a while. It’s understandable; with the press trying to follow her every move. Some fans
still can’t believe that she actually had that camera-phobia with her being constantly surrounded by
them. But can’t you see? That’s where her courage shows. That even if she actually had to worry
about it, she still faced the world with that smile. The thing that actually amused me is how Yoona
has had countless of controversies before but she notes that as the one she was scarred the most.
It distressed her much because the controversy went to the extent of affecting her relationship with
Tiffany. Notice how she can take all the negative things said about her but she breaks down when
it's between her and a member?
And in connection with the Tiffany incident, it is such a huge responsibility to keep up with the role
indicated for her while maintaining that relationship with her members. To be the center of a ninemember group, there has got to be some ill feelings cultivated from the lesser acknowledged
members, right?
For in as much as outsiders try to claim that they do understand the SoShi bond, that said
camaraderie that the girls share is something that we can never fully comprehend no matter how we
try to. That the closest thing we can make out of why there is no jealousy between the members and
Yoona is because the girls are mature individuals and that Yoona, herself, is never the type of
person who will harbor negative feelings from other people towards herself.
Yoona does not appear as a person who is thirsty for fame. As I look at it, she is this normal girl who
just happened to have the dream of being on a stage. She worked hard for that dream and that is
where she is now. The cherry on top being her role as the center.
However, what most people fail to see is that being center, she gets to be the official ‘face’; but with
this, it also means, she has to hold back in her singing and dancing. The ‘center’ role in itself is her
responsibility, thus she is given lesser opportunities to show why she is standing at that stage.
Giving her fewer opportunities to actually prove herself worthy of that ‘center’ role.
But instead of giving up, you see this girl doing her best in improving. She gets one line or two but 
she claims it as her own. She makes the most out of it, EVERY SINGLE TIME. She is a great dancer
but people often forget that; which is why when she’s on stage, she burns it up and gives it her best
She may not be SNSD’s best singer or dancer but when she gets the chance to prove herself, may it
be modeling or acting, she grabs it. And for this attitude, PEOPLE LOVE HER.
This may come off as a shock to you but most of Yoona’s antifans are actually non-Koreans (ie
international fans). We see headlines about the girl leading a poll and being friends with Goo Hye
Sun, Go Ara, and Lee Jongseok among others and some still ask why it’s her all over again.
Because Korea loves this girl.
And I believe the love that she receives will always be lacking for all the hate she gets.
Do you know about the MILK Club? It is a pseudo-organization which stands for Made In Lovely Kin.
President, SJ's Leeteuk. Manager, SNSD Taeyeon.
It sounds cool right? Like an exclusive club everyone should be dying to affiliate to. Unfortunately,
Milk Club isn't as nice as how its name sounds. Milk Club is actually a club specifically created for
the "gathering of depressed souls" and that the purpose of the club is for idols to interact with each
other and provide mutual support to overcome moments of depression or feelings of loneliness and
pain. The Milk Club's three main officers are the main founders itself.
Did I say three? Ah yes, I forgot to mention. Yoona holds the vice-president position in that club.
It is worrisome to know about a person joining such club; but to be one of the makers of the group
itself? That's downright disturbing.
I guess this simply gives us an idea of all the suffering that this girl hides beneath that sweet facade.
A sneak peek to the real world that Im Yoona is actually living in. Because Im Yoona is not all
innocent smiles and pretty doe eyes. She is just made to appear that way.
Because it's all just part and parcel of her role as a center.
Before, when people say that Yoona is talentless and useless and that she does not deserve to be
the center of SNSD, I have this half-agreeing/half-disagreeing part in me. I guess it’s because I’ve
been part of those people who gets blinded by the spotlight pointed at her. The brightness affects
my sense of vision that I look at the dimmer part of the stage to get away from it. However, in doing
so, I fail to realize that if a mere audience like me finds it blinding to look at such brightness, how
much more does it feel for the person to whom that light is pointing to?
Im Yoona is a wonderful person. A fragile being. An innocent child. And this is why the girls are very
protective of her. And I leave with the message that if our beloved favorites could get along with the
idea of this Im Choding being the center, why can’t we?
They say her being a center is a blessing and a curse.
I say it's more of a curse that which she is carrying.
But seeing her carry it courageously as if its some kind of a blessing is something that is worth every respect ,  love and admiration there is in this YOONiverse !


Credits: Bam The Great

Happy Birthday to Our Gorgeous Deer, Im Yoon-A.

In 1990, A gorgeous girl was born, An amazing and charming Girl who steals men's hearts, amazing singer, dancer, and actress. She is Im Yoon-A, Our Strongest Girl.

In case you don't really know about her, here is a short profile about her.

Y O O N A (윤아)

    Stage Name: Charming Girl YOONA (매력 소녀 윤아 – maeryeok sonyuh Yoona)

    Birth Name: Im Yoon-a (임윤아)

    Nicknames: Yoong, Saseumi (deer), Him Yoona (strong Yoona), Im-choding (elementary school-kid Im), Saebyuk, Alligator Yoong

    Position: Supporting Vocalist/Lead Dancer

    Date of Birth: May 30, 1990

    Zodiac Sign: Gemini

    Bloodtype: B

    Sibling(s): one older sister

    Language: Korean (Fluent), English, Chinese (Basic), Japanese (Basic)

    Specialty: Dance, Acting

Casted: 2002 SM Saturday Open Casting Audition

    Training: 7 Years 2 Months

    School: Dongguk University (동국대학교) Department of Theater | graduated from Daeyeong High School


    - 2004 Elite Student uniforms advertising model

    - 2004 MV DBSK – ‘Magic Castle‘

    - 2006 CF Teun Teun English

    - 2006 CF Sanyo batteries Eneloop

    - 2006 CF Elite Student uniforms (with SS501)

    - 2006 MV Super Junior - ‘U‘

    - 2006 MV CSJH The Grace – ‘My Everything‘ (with Super Junior Kibum)

- 2007 Drama MBC ‘9 Ends 2 Outs‘ (as Shin Joo-young)

- 2007 MV Super Junior - ‘Marry U‘

- 2008 MV Lee Seung Chul - ‘Propose‘

- 2008 Drama MBC ‘Park Jung Geum‘ (as Mi-ae)

- 2008 Daily drama KBS ‘You Are My Destiny‘ (as Jang Sae-byuk)

- 2009 MV 24/7 – ‘That Man’s Woman‘

- 2009 CF ‘Clean & Clear’ (with Kim So-eun)

- 2009 Drama MBC ‘Cinderella Man‘ (as Seo Yoo-jin)

- 2009 CF ‘Innisfree‘

- 2010 Variety Show SBS ‘Family Outing season 2′

- 2010 CF ‘S-Oil‘

- 2011 MV SHINee – ‘Replay (Japanese ver.)’

- 2012 Drama KBS 'Love Rain' (as Kim Yoonhee and Jung Hana) (with Jang Geun-suk)

Happy Birthday, Yoon-A! 생일축하합니다, 윤아! SONEs will always love you! God bless you! ^^

You can also tell us your wishes for Yoon-A on your comment! :)

Writter + Picture by: @hansoshi 

Profile source by: snsdkorean (edited by: @hansoshi)

Korean Sound Wave: Girls' Generation Applies Pop Formula To U.S. Market

Girls' Generation, a group that's gone where no other Asian artist has gone before, is looking to build on its U.S. exposure following several recent high profile appearances. NY1's Lewis Dodley filed the following report.

It was a dream come true for the nine members of Girls' Generation and their company SM Entertainment. In another first for the group from South Korea, they were in the national spotlight performing on the Late Show with David Letterman.

They also appeared on "Live with Kelly", part of a whirlwind 24 hours to promote their first English single.

"We are just thankful we are having so much experience," said Girls' Generation Performer Tiffany.

The appearances come on the heels of a sold-out performance at MSG for Girls' Generation and six other SM acts, which makes you wonder if America has wrapped it's arms around the idea of a Korean superstar.

"When was the last time you saw a KPop group on David Letterman? I mean talking with David Letterman, taking pictures with Bill Murray. It's a total cultural phenomenon that I love and I think that they have worker their way into sort of the American psyche," said Radio Personality Minya Oh, aka Miss Info.

Girls' Generation's carefree and innocent image is a huge hit all over Asia with many of their songs also performed in Chinese and Japanese. That makes English a fourth language for many of the members: An obvious sign of their intelligence and determination.

"They're kind of like the Korean version of the Pussycat Dolls but more refined, and less sexy but still very cute," said Entertainment Writer David Yi.

Whether Girls' Generation will be a hit in America is yet to be seen, but if the crowds that packed Madison Square Garden and the buzz they’re generating are any indication you'll be seeing a lot of them in the years to come.

Source: NY1.com via fanwonder

Posted by: @hansoshi 

Girls's Generation's New Japanese Single to be release this 27th June

Girls' Generation has announced through their official Japanese website that they will be releasing a new single in the country, "Paparazzi". 

The group has not released new material in Japan since the repackage of their first album last year. This March, they released a music video for "Time Machine", one of the repackage album's newer tracks. Since the conclusion of their promotions for "The Boys", Girls' Generation has been focusing on their individual activities and their subgroup, Taetiseo, which is currently promoting their mini album, "Twinkle"

"Paparazzi" will be released in Japan on June 27th. 


120529 Selca From Invicible Youth 2 (Sunny & Hyoyeon)

Source/Credit : @Sistarsistar 
Posted By: @Yona89091

120529 Yoona @ Love Rain Pictures


Photos by Yoong_duck || @TAENYsCHILD [SMTownSNSD]

Take Out With Full Credit!

120529 TaeTiSeo @ MCountDown Official Pictures




Photos by Mnet

Take Out With Full Credit!