Friday, 3 August 2012

[PIC] SNSD at SMTown Tokyo Photocard (Fullset)

[PIC] SNSD at SMTown Tokyo Photocard (Fullset)Click to enlargeSource: beyondSNSD at Twit...

[PIC] 120802 Tiffany @ 12Plus Miracle Day Event

[PIC] 120802 Tiffany @ 12Plus Miracle Day Event by FEEL1NSTEPHClick to enlargeSource: FEEL1NST...

Taeyeon was Mistaken as the Maknae of Girls' Generation

While almost everyone is aware that Seohyun is the youngest member in Girls’ Generation, Taeyeon’s aegyo, adorable facial expression, and playful speech make people do a double take. It’s been said that...

[Photo] Fierce Maknae!

Credits: SSNPosted by: @armix...

SNSD @ Lotte Department Store Promotion Picture

Credits: SSNPosted by: @armix...

120804 Yoona at Harper's Bazaar Magazine Official HD Pic

Click to enlargeCredits : bazaar, SoneMS....

[Pics] SMTOWN Passport !

[Pics] SMTOWN Passport !Click to EnlargeSource: @halj...

Girls’ Generation’s Fansites Raise Funds for Charity Project in Cambodia!

Girls’ Generation’s fansites came together to raise funds for a third world country support group, World Share, and took part in a well digging project for the improvement of drinking water in Cambodia.While...

[TRANS] Staff Entry from Japanese Fansite

最近 「枝豆」 ハマっているというソヒョン♪たくさん手にとって見せてくれました~(笑)枝豆ってひとつ食べると、止まらなくなりますよね~!!ソヒョンのように、栄養をたくさんとって夏バテしないようにきをつけないとですね^^明日は「SMTOWN LIVE WORLD TOUR III IN TOKYO」です!皆さん体調万全で観に来てください~☆Seohyun, who has recently been...

[Photo] Sunny, Sooyoung, Hyoyeon, Jessica, Taeyeon and Tiffany on Cosmopolitan

Credits: SSNPosted by: @armix...

Another Teaser of The Third Hospital Revealed!

Another teaser of "The Third Hospital" starring Sooyoung was revealed! Here's the video:Credits: SSNPosted by: @armix...

[Fan Made Photo] Girls' Generation's Fifth Aniversarry!

Change now your display picture with this photo!Credits: SSNPosted by: @armix...

120803 Jessica @ Gimpo Airport

120803 Jessica @ Gimpo Airport Source: jessturedotnet@youtube....

120803 SNSD - Lotte Department Store Promotion Picture

120803 SNSD - Lotte Department Store Promotion PictureClick to EnlargeSource: Lotte Department St...

120803 SNSD @ Japan Mobile Fansite Pictures

Credits:KUSH1205 || @soshiheart9 ( Take Out With Full Credi...

[Behind The Scenes] Yoona - Love Rain Japan Special

120803 Yoona @ Love Rain Special Japan BTS Credit: Uploa...

120803 Sooyoung Sponsored Picture (The Third Hospital)

120803 Sooyoung Sponsored Picture (The Third Hospital)Credits : baidu ll Tetsuya [SONEms.n...

Girls’ Generation Attends GiRL de Provence Launching Event in Japan!

On August 3rd, Girls’ Generation attended a launching event in Japan for GiRL de Provence to promote their signature perfumes. Dressed in cute summer fashion, the members were also able to answer a...


S.M.ART EXHIBITION_TEASER 2 S.M.ART EXHIBITION in SEOUL COEX (10~19 AUG. 2012)■ When : 10th (Fri)~19th (Sun) Aug. 2012■ Where : 3rd floor, D HALL, COEX, World Trade Center Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, KoreaSource: SMTOWN@youtube....

120803 SNSD - GiRL perfume conference in Japan

120803 SNSD - GiRL perfume conference in JapanSource: @cnj2jmom + Ori...