Saturday, 23 June 2012

Jessica, Yuri, Sooyoung, and Seohyun Interviewed by ‘@ star1′ Magazine

On June 7th, the sounds of Girls’ Generation’s Yuri, Jessica, Sooyoung, and Seohyun’s laughter would not end in Cheongdam-dong. For the photoshoot for the July issue of “@star1″, they arrived an hour...

Girls’ Generation wins ‘Best Album of the Year’ award in MTV VMAJ 2012!

In the recently unveiled list of winners for the MTV Video Music Awards Japan 2012 (MTV VMAJ 2012), Girls’ Generation, also known as Shoujo Jidai in Japan, won the ‘Best Album of the Year’ award for their...

120623 Sunny & Hyoyeon @ KBS Invincible Youth S2 Official Picture

Credits:KBS || @TAENYsCHILD [SMTownSNSD]Take Out With Full Cred...

120623 Taeyeon, Seohyun & Hyoyeon @ LG 3D TV CF Official Pictures

click on the pictures to enlarge!Credits:LGElectronics || @TAENYsCHILD [SMTownSNSD] Take Out With Full Cred...