[Official Pictures] 130427 SNSD - WKorea Magazine '10 Corso Como Seoul Melody Event'Check out [TRANS] Yoona's Message and Picture on SONE PLUS+Check out Girls’ Generation to Start World Tour on June 8th...
[Picture] 130427 Taeyeon Instagram Update: 'Question. Mocha cookie crumble frappuccino? or Red bean green tea frappuccino?'Check out [Picture] 130426 Taeyeon Instagram Update: 'Little British Guardstaeng....
[Picture] 130426 Taeyeon Instagram Update: 'Little British Guardstaeng. lol'Check out Taeyeon shares a warm photo with her motherCheck out [Picture] 130426 Taeyeon Instagram Update: 'TY!!! ♥ LONDON :D...
[Picture] 130426 Hyoyeon at Hong Kong for a PhotoshootCheck out [Pictures] 130426 Hyoyeon with Tyler Kwon in Hong Kong Check out [Picture] 130426 Hyoyeon with FriendsSource: AlLison...
[TRANS] Yoona's Message and Picture on SONE PLUS+ Hello everyone on SONE PLUS+, it's Yoona. The 20 concert tour that we spent with everyone together has finished successfully. (>_ Check out [TRANS]...
[Pictures] 130426 Hyoyeon with Tyler Kwon in Hong Kong Check out [Picture] 130426 Hyoyeon with FriendsCheck out Taeyeon shares a warm photo with her motherSource: AppleMe...
[Picture] 130426 Hyoyeon with FriendsCheck out [TRANS+Pictures] 130421 Sunny, Yoona, Hyoyeon, Yuri and Jessica from SONE PLUS+Check out [Picture] 130419 Seohyun, Hyoyeon, Taeyeon, Yoona with SONEsSource:...