Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Latest Promotional Photo of GiRL Perfume!

GiRL meets Girls' Generation!Credits: GiRLPosted by: @armix...

Sooyoung at The Third Hospital Photos

Credits: Korea.comPosted by: @armix...

120801 Tiffany @ 12plus Official Picture

Credits:12plus || @soshiheart9 (SMTownSNSD.com)Please Take Out With Full Credi...

120801 Hyoyeon @ Invincible Youth 2 Pictures

Credits:media.daum.net || @soshiheart9 (SMTownSNSD.com)Please Take Out With Full Credi...

Are You Ready for Our Eye Smile Princess' Birthday Tomorrow?

Are you ready for tomorrow? It's Tiffany's big birthday blast! Please show your support to her by trending #HappyEyeSmileDay on twitter at exactly 12:00 am of August 1! I'm sure everyone is excited just...

SHINee says, "We like listening to Girls' Generation and the new group EXO-K."

On the summer 2012 issue of Sparkling Magazine, SHINee got a six-page spread on the "Sparkling Exclusive" section. Sparkling magazine is the no. 1 magazine in the Philippines that is dedicated to Kpop...