Monday, 17 September 2012

[New Pics] Tiffany for Beanpole

[New Pics] Tiffany for BeanpoleSource: Beanpoleb...

Girls’ Generation to Perform in ‘K-POP Fantasy Concert’ in the Philippines

Girls’ Generation to Perform in ‘K-POP Fantasy Concert’ in the PhilippinesKorean Media Holdings, one of Korea’s largest media content providers, and Gangnam dance academy DM School are collaborating...

Kwak Do Won sends a love call to Taeyeon?

Actor Kwak Do Won recently begged Taeyeon to come to the premiere of his new movie on the September 16th airing of MBC‘s ‘Section TV‘.The actor stated in the broadcast, “Please come to our premiere and...

Girls’ Generation to Perform at ABU TV Song Festival

Girls’ Generation to Perform at ABU TV Song FestivalGirls’ Generation will be performing at the inaugural Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) TV Song Festival on October 14th. Hosted by KBS, the event...

120917 Hyoyeon @ KBS Hong JinKyung Cool FM Radio Station Picture

Follow @soshiheart9 for more updates ^^Credits:@H★ongbebe ll Tetsuya [] ||| @soshiheart9 ( Out With Full Cred...

120917 Seohyun @ The Face Shop Official Picture

clickFollow @soshiheart9 for more updates ^^Credits:TheFaceShop | @soshiheart9 ( Out With Full Cred...

[PICTURES] Tiffany at Bean Pole Fansign Event

[PICTURES] Tiffany at Bean Pole Fansign EventAs uploaded on Bean Pole's official blog.Credits :: Bestiz | Fanwonder | Porky Pig...