Thursday, 20 December 2012

Girls’ Generation Reveals ‘Dancing Queen’, Comeback Date, 4th Album Title, and Hyoyeon Teaser Photos

Girls’ Generation Reveals ‘Dancing Queen’, Comeback Date, 4th Album Title, and Hyoyeon Teaser PhotosOn December 21st, Girls’ Generation released “Dancing Queen”, a remake of Duffy’s “Mercy” and a track...

[Pic] Girls' Generation Official Website 'I Got a Boy' Layout

[Pic] Girls' Generation Official Website 'I Got a Boy' LayoutSource: Girls' Generation Official Webs...

Girls' Generation 'I Got a Boy' Image Teaser - Hyoyeon

Girls' Generation 'I Got a Boy' Image Teaser - HyoyeonSource: Girls' Generation Official Webs...

Girls' Generation 'Dancing Queen' Music Video

YoutubeGirls' Generation 'Dancing Queen' Music VideoSource: SM Entertainment, Naver TVcast, yoongbuck@youtube....

Girls' Generation 'Dancing Queen' Cover

Girls' Generation 'Dancing Queen' CoverSource: SM Entertainm...

[VID] 121220 Mnet 2013 Comeback Teaser - SNSD

Mnet aired 2013 comeback teaser video, SNSD is in itCheck out the videoSource: simhy6 @ YTAndre @ Have a question? Ask :

[Pictures+Message] 121220 SNSD - Daum Hope Campaign

TranslationHoping for light in a black/dark worldHello? My name is Sooyoung.What do you think it would be like if the entire world suddenly turned black?Pigmentary degeneration of the retina may seem...

[Video] 121220 Sooyoung - Daum Hope Campaign Video Message

[Video] 121220 Sooyoung - Daum Hope Campaign Video MessageSource: SoneHD@youtube....