Taeyeon, Jessica, and Yoona Rank in ‘Annual Independent Critics List of the 100 Most Beautiful Faces 2012’ Taeyeon, Jessica, and Yoona are ranked in “The 23rd Annual Independent Critics List of the 100...
Jessica, Tiffany, and Yuri Hear Their Fortunes on SBS’s ‘Midnight TV Entertainment’On December 26th, Girls’ Generation made a special appearance on SBS’s “Midnight TV Entertainment”, a show hosted by...
Girls' Generation 4th Studio Album Draws Renowned Composers Worldwide Girls′ Generation′s (SNSD) upcoming album has been drawing in the most renowned composers from far and wide.I Got a Boy, the upcoming...
여러부운~~~크리스마스 잘 보냈어요^ㅡ^?수영이는 지독한 감기에 걸려,홋카이도에서도.. 병원신세를...져야했지....만...........!!!!!산타클로소원들의 선물에 극뽀옥~!행복한 크리스마스가 되었답니다아♥_♥너무 고마워요♥ 오늘 I got a boy 의 드라마티저가 공개되었어요^ㅡ^1월1일까지 얼마 안 남았다!! ^^ ㅎㅎ 기대 많이 해줘요^3^날씨가...
Girls' Generation's Comeback Raises SM Entertainment Stock Value By $93 Million USDEven before officially making their return, Girls’ Generation is already having a huge impact. News of their upcoming...
[TRANS] 121226 Seohyun Christmas Card MessageTranslationYou waited for us at dawn, shaking in this cold, not being able to sleep..And when we were standing on stage, you cheered hard for us at the top...
Girls’ Generation has revealed the tracklist for Girls’ Generation’s fourth Korean album, “I Got A Boy”.1. I Got a Boy2. Dancing Queen3. Baby Maybe4. 말해봐5. Promise6. Express 9997. 유리아이8. Look at Me9....
Below are the compilation and translation of Christmas cards that the girls gave randomly on MBC Girls' Generation's Comeback Special recording session.TAEYEONTranslation:"This is Taeyeon ^^Thank you...