Sunday, 22 July 2012

120723 Yoona @ Innisfree BTS Picture

Credits:ecoinnisfree || @TAENYsCHILD (SMTownSNSD.c...

소녀시대 / 少女時代 / Girls' Generation CASIO SHEEN


YoonA in Black and White!

YoonA’s captivating femme fatale charm was revealed by photographer Oh JoongSuk on July 23rd via Twitter. The photographer posted an update on his personal Twitter account, “YoonA’s photos” and attached...

YuRi :: Mamonde New Pictures !

Click to enlargeSource: Yurui (LovAEn...

120723 Yuri @ Mamonde CF Picture

credits:nineangels_ || @TAENYsCHILD (SMTownSNSD.c...

[Eng Trans] Girls’ Generation Discusses Image, Individual Activies, and Future Plans in ‘K-wave’ Magazine

(Translator’s note: it is not indicated who is answering what question.)Q: You’ve reached the senior level amongst girl groups. I think you’d feel responsibilities. What do you think about this?A: “When...

[MINI-PROJECT] SMTOWNSNSD's Mini Video Project for Soshi's 5th Anniversary

Hello SONEs!As we all know, Girls' Generation's 5th Anniversary is arriving soon, on the 5th of August.SMTOWNSNSD is proud to present to you a mini video project to show the girls our lovefor them!It's...

[Photo] Girls' Generation with The Wanted (British-Irish Boy band)

[Photo] Girls' Generation with The Wanted (British-Irish boy band)Source: as tag...

120722 SNSD - TaeYeon - LG CF

120722 SNSD - TaeYeon - LG CF Source: sonekiho0418@youtube....

[Full HD] 120722 LG 3D Smart TV CF SooSun version

Source: Ryoma85@youtube....

[ENG SUB] 120721 MC TaeTiSeo Cut

[ENG SUB] 120721 MC TaeTiSeo Cut Source: ilovep10subs@youtube....

[Video] SNSD LG 3D TV Content Video (2D Version)

[Video] SNSD LG 3D TV Content Video (2D Version)!Source: hangthienbao1@youtube....

[Picture] 120722 Sooyoung from Japanese Mobile Fansite

Source: SM Entertainment Ja...

SM Artist Height

SM Artist Heightcr:P...