Wednesday 5 June 2013

[TRANS] 130606 [From. SEOHYUN] Everyone~!

[TRANS] 130606 [From. SEOHYUN] Everyone~!

[TRANS] 130606 [From. SEOHYUN] Everyone~!

오늘은 현충일 입니다!^^
애국선열의 넋을 기리고
그분들의 숭고한 호국정신을 가슴 깊이 새기며
감사하는 마음으로 뜻 깊은 하루를 보냅시다^^

Today is Memorial Day!^^
Let’s pay our respects for deceased patriots
Engrave their noble souls defending the fatherland deep in our hearts
And spend a meaningful day with the feeling of gratefulness^^

Check out [Official Picture] 130603 Sooyoung and Seohyun at Tommy Hilfiger Fansign Event
Check out Seohyun flaunt her sexiness for 'W' Magazine

Source: Girls' Generation Official Website
Translation by ch0sshi

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