Sunday 5 August 2012

5 Years of Dreaming-SNSD&SONE

"NINE different girls have now become one"

Its been exactly 5 years since this 9 angels debuted together as Girls' Generation. August 5 2007, the most memorable date for us all SONEs and also for SoShi. Who would ever thought that they would make this BIG ? SoShi proved their critics wrong. They aren't just pretty faces, they are talented too.Their hardwork and effort that they contributed, their sweat and tears have bear fruits successfully, which lead them to climb to the peak that where they are today. Born-to-be-goddesses, 9 Divine Angels, the legend that will echo throughout history, Girls' Generation. What is it that brought SONEs together to dedicate their lives for these ‘strangers’? What is so special that SoShi has that every other groups or artists don’t have?
My friend once asked me " Do they even know you?" . I answered her, " They do know me. In fact they always thank me and mention me and they love me a lot. They know me in the name of this GREATEST Fandom,SONE. I AM SONE. " I shed tears. After that she asked me again "What is so special with that bunch of pretty faces?" I smiled and answer her " They are Girls' Generation and that is so special about them. They are real and they are who they are." .
People misunderstood a SONEs love to addiction and obsession. But let us not mind those thick headed people. What matter most is that we know deep inside us that LOVE brought us to this amazing fandom-->SONE
5 years ago, when no one even knew what Girls' Generation  is, there were 9 girls. 9 normal girls who never even thought they would mark history as deep as it is now. They fought through black ocean, battling whatever came upon them. No matter what the situation, they continued forward along the path of fame without looking back as they knew that one day they will breakthrough and make number 1. 

It doesn't matter if you were there from the very beginning. What matter is YOU LOVE THEM NOW. Being a SONE isn't measured by how long you are the fandom. Its LOVE that matters most. It doesn't matter if you dont have their albums,magazines and other merchandise, what matter most is that you LOVE them all 9 equally. 
Sones swore to the words that will keep the 9 together forever into the future, no matter what happens. Right Now.. Tomorrow… Forever… A few simple words that has great effect. It is because of these words that no matter what comes upon these girls, a wish will always be with them, lingering in the background. No matter how many times you girls’ thank us, we will not accept it… as it is us who should be saying the words “Thank You”.
 "And if you'll still be Girls' Generation in the next life then I'll still be a SONE"

Happy 5th Anniversary SNSD and SONE

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