Tuesday 25 December 2012

[TRANS] 121224 Yoona and Tiffany Christmas Cards Messages

[TRANS] 121224 Yoona and Tiffany Christmas Cards Messages

Despite it being cold early in the morning, and though you're probably tired, thank you very very much for coming like this!! I was excited about meeting our SONE, and was looking forward to this in hopes of showing you all immediately! How was it? Did you have a good time? It was so cold when we came out this morning, so I thought about SONE first.. You'd be waiting outside.. Wondering.. ㅠ_ㅠ What to do… I'm really happy we could make good memories right before Christmas like this.
2012. End the little that's left of it well. I hope even happier things happen in 2013 than 2012!! ^^ Be careful not to catch a cold, and always, thank you so much~ -Yoona-

There isn't a lot of time left in the year… Spend good times until the end, and I'll pray that you're even more! happier in 2013.

Source: bestiz, TangPa
Translated by ch0sshi

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