Tuesday 18 September 2012

Detail of "Playing with Girls' Generation" on Nov 13 at Yoyogi 1st Gymnasium

"Playing with Girls' Generation"

Nov. 13, 2012 Tuesday

Time: 7:30pm (planned)

Place: Yoyogi 1st Gymnasium

How to:

1. Cut out application ticket A for Limited Edition "Oh" (enclosed in the cd)

2. Cut out application ticket B for Regular Edition "Oh" (enclosed in the cd)

3. Paste the tickets onto a postcard (using clear tape is fine)

4. Complete the postcard with your zip code, address, full name, age, phone number, and email address and mail it back to the following address (Those with incomplete details will not be valid)

Mail to:

"SNSD Present Campaign"

Japan Post Akasaka Branch Shitentome

107-8880 Japan

Application deadline:

Oct 1st, 2012 (postmark date)

Those who don't get picked will get a "Oh" clear file as a present

Event is planned for one hour

No planned live performance

Only 1 ticket per person

***Advice: Most of these events/presents are for Japan address only; the likelihood of them mailing a present overseas is extremely low, so if you do live overseas, mail in at your own risk.***

Credit: @Ninjafen / @Ninelites 

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