Monday 20 August 2012

Hyoyeon Gets Mistaken for a Foreigner by Korean Citizen

Widely known as one of the most popular Girls′ Generation members overseas, Hyoyeon may have found the reason for her fame.

In the August 18 broadcast of KBS’ Invincible Youth 2, the group divided into two teams and were tasked with showing foreigners from abroad around in some of Korea’s tourist places.

Hyoyeon’s team was tasked with heading to a palace in Seoul which was formally known as ‘Gyungwoon Palace’ which the team figured out to be Deoksu Palace.

There, one regular passer-by seemed to not recognize Hyoyeon as he approached her and asked in English, “Where are you from?”, creating a rather unusual and awkward moment.

A taken aback Hyoyeon was then seen responding, “I’m a Korean!”

The passer-by was seen making a bashful face while Hyoyeon began fleeing the scene while saying, “I’m so embarrassed!” much to the laughter of her peers.

Photo credit: KBS 

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