Wednesday 27 June 2012

The Sensible Maknae

This article is dedicated to our Seo Joo Hyun for her birthday. 

Letters and Articles from her fans. 

From Anonymous

"Although I'm a fan of Yongseo couple, I'm more rationale rather than emotional, so I've always been remaining silent, supporting his and her career through simple ways in my life. After reaching Korea, I went Music Core for once, Inkigayo for once, then to today's Fan sign event. 

Every time I see Seohyun, she is always heartwarming, never making people feel that she is an idol. She never forgets to tell fans,"eat meals on time, take care of your health". Actually, these are the things that we fans should tell them, yet Seohyun is just so caring and heartwarming that she says this every time. 

To be frank, when I was watching the live performances, it was obvious that Seohyun's popularity wasn't as high as other members. But Seohyun is indeed the unique maknae we have. She does not mind whether people at the audience seats came for her, she only believes, that everyone sitting there came for a common name - SNSD. She sings with her heart, works towards dreams together with her beloved unnies. 

Today, I was really touched but also guilty.. about the handicapped. Frankly speaking, everyone felt uncomfortable seeing that handicapped, staffs were also reluctant to communicate with him, perhaps they thought it's troublesome. No one cared if he could write his own name. 

But I did not see any surprise in Seohyun's eyes, she did not look at him with a different pair of eyes. She patiently and softly asked the handicap. She couldn't hear what the person said, so she moved her ears nearer to him, asked again and again. She only wrote down the person's name after confirming that it was correct.

She told every single fan who went for the fansign,"It's cold now, don't catch a flu". She cares for every single one ofus with her unique way. Perhaps people will say, it's how she puts up anact in front of the public. But I just want to say, that our eyes will never lie,Seohyun will never lie. She is Seo Joohyun, a girl who can keep saying heartwarming words to her fans! She is Seohyun who will still greet her fans with a 90° bow even standing on the top of the mountain! She's one of the most moving person I've ever seen."

From Anonymous

Dear Seohyun,

I’m writing this letter in English because I didn’t feel that I could express myself clearly enough in Korean. Although I am Korean, I was born and raised in America. I can’t lie and say that I’m your number 1 fan in the world. I’m sure that there are others like me that have been charmed by your personality and are even more devoted than I am to you. What I can say is that my appreciation of you and everything that you do is completely genuine and that I am a complete and utter fan of yours. From the first Into the New World performance I watched all the way to SM Town New York you have been my bias (what we call favorite members in the States).

And you being my favorite member isn’t even as far as it goes. You have had such an impact on my life farther than my musical preference. To this day, I can’t decide whether it’s that you embody all of the qualities I like in a girl, or whether you set those qualities. The line is blurry and I don’t know whether I’ll ever be able to draw that distinction. I wish there was a better word to use than perfect, but I can’t think of one. Maybe ideal would fit better. You are the cream of the crop, what others should aim to be.

You also are a role model for me. Your pursuit of education and good study habits is encouraging and I find that it helps me when I am tired of studying and work. Your pursuit of a healthy lifestyle is also something that stays on my mind whenever I go out to eat or sit at my desk wondering if I should go exercise or not. Even at SM Town, I was so encouraged to see you taking the time to wave at all the fans and be so energetic. It made me wonder how anyone could ever not be hopelessly in love with you. There is just so much to you that needs to be appreciated. People say that celebrities that don’t appreciate their fans don’t deserve to be celebrities. You deserve to be a celebrity 100 times over in that respect.

I really hope that you never get discouraged or have doubts about what you are doing or have done. You give joy to countless fans and your smile may just be what keeps some of us sane at the end of a long day. I know it must not be the easiest lifestyle for you either. Through the hectic schedules and never ending events, I hope that you can be encouraged by fans that will love and support you until the end. You should have self confidence in not only your looks, but how your presence in concerts and TV shows and everything else about you that the public sees affects so many people positively. I know you have definitely been a HUGE positive influence on my life, and I’m sure there are countless others like me. If ever there is a time where you are feeling down please think of us, the endless Seororo’s, Seobaby’s, and Seomates that will continue loving you until the very end.

A loving and adoring fan forever and ever,

Happy Birthday Maknae Seohyun. SoShi loves you. Sones love you. 
생일축하합니다 서주현

Credits To The Owner!/ohohnic

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