Friday 18 May 2012

TTS' "Twinkle" wins the MuBank K-Chart for its 2nd Week.

Once again, after winning the KBS Music Bank K-Chart last week, TTS wins this week's KBS Music Bank K-Chart for its 2nd week!!! Amazing!!!!! Sistar's "Alone" is at No.2 and Busker Busker at No.3... And also, GG-TTS' 2nd track from their first mini-album 'Twinkle', "Baby Steps", is standing at No.19 of MuBank K-Chart!

TTS wins the K-Chart for the second time with 13070 points!

Congratulation, TTS! You girls are Jjang! ^^

Written by:  Hansoshi 

Picture by: MK 스포즈

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