Saturday 5 May 2012

[TRANS] Part 2 of 120505 Inkigayo TTS Fan-account by: 拉面_Twinkle!

[TRANS] Part 2 of 120505 Inkigayo TTS Fan-account by: 拉面_Twinkle

They recorded for about 8 or 9 times. As the recording went on, they became increasingly 'high' (enthusiastic). Taeyeon and Tiffany both had their hair tied back in a ponytail...They both swung their ponytail around. Later on, Tiffany asked in a manly voice, "How am I (today)?" Everyone replied, "Very pretty!". Tiffany told Taeyeon to do the same so Taeyeon immediately asked in a very manly way, "How am I!!" She then told Seohyun to do the same, but Seohyun said, "I don't know how to..." Then, Tiffany imitated the way Seohyun moves her head when singing her high note. It was extremely hilarious. Towards the end when the recording was about to come to an end, Taeyeon and Tiffany called out, "SONE" in a "So what" tone (T/N: Not really sure what the fan account owner meant, it's open to your own interpretation lol.)Seohyun then sang her line in Twinkle, the line which had "소원(Sowon)", and the girls bowed repeatedly and said, "You've worked hard."

Original text: 今天录了有8.9次了吧..越录越high的三人 泰尼今天都是向后梳的马尾...两人就在甩水发搬甩自己马尾→_→然后帕尼还学男声问大家:我怎么样?大家:很漂亮!帕尼叫泰妍也学学 泰妍立刻很man地:我怎样!! 再叫徐贤学..小贤:我不会... 然后帕尼还学小贤飚高音时那个经典前后摇摆....笑得饭喷泪xdddd 最后结束的时候泰尼都用so what那个语调叫sone...小贤就把twinkle有소원的部分唱了一次 然后一直鞠躬说辛苦了 喜欢妳们真好

cr: 拉面_Twinkle @ Weibo
Chinese-English translation by:

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