Saturday 19 May 2012

[Trans Message] 120520 TaeTiSeo's Selca & Seohyun Message '고마워요♥' from Official Website

- Selca -

- Message -

소원의 사랑을 먹고 무럭무럭 자라고 있는
소녀시대 태연! 티파니! 서현!
(개인활동 활발히 하는 우리 여섯명 언니들도!!)
소원 사랑맛은 우리만 느낄수있는 특권!!^^

- Translate -
We're Girls' Generation Taeyeon! Tiffany! Seohyun! who eat sones' love and grow up A LOT!
(+other 6members who are work in their fields of activity)
The Taste of Sones' Love is just our privilege!!^^ 
Thank you♥

Trans by DC_Seeoticon || @TAENYsCHILD [SMTownSNSD]
Take Out With Full Credit!

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