Thursday 10 May 2012

SMTownSNSD At The Shorty Awards 2012

On 26th March this year, the Shorty Award for Best Fansite was awarded to Sherlockology (@Sherlockology). While we did not win this award, we come in second, with a total of 1270 votes; more than twice the number of most nominees outside the top 5 spots. With more than 30,000 voters participating in this category and approximately 2920 nominees in it, this can be seen as somewhat of a coup for SMTownSNSD and even more importantly, our Soshi girls. 

By beating the likes of Demi Lovato, Paramore, Rihanna, Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus fansites, SNEs have shown that our beloved goddesses have what it takes to match the popularity and activity of international acts on social media platforms.

With the voting done in such a way that only once vote may be placed from anyone person per category, our staff here at SMTownSNSD have taken much pride even though we did not scoop up the award this time around.

The Shorty Awards, also known as the Shorties, are an awards event that honors top short-form content creators on the micro-blogging website Twitter. Since their creation in 2008, the awards have expanded to recognize content creation on other social networking sites, including Tumblr, Foursquare, and Facebook.

Here’s a short clip of the winner, @Sherlockology, receiving the awards for “Best Fansite.” 

While we did not pick up the award this year, I would like to thank all our followers for your support and love you have shown us. Please do continue to support us and Girls’ Generation and we promise that we will strive to serve all of you even better in the future.

SNEs Hwaiting! Girls’ Generation Hwaiting! SMTownSNSD Hwaiting!

Image Credits:

Video Credits: shortyawards@youtube

Written by: @DripDropBlop

Follow us on Twitter: @SMTown_SNSD

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