Monday 16 September 2013

[TRANS] 130914 Sunny Twitter Update: 'Good morning Jakarta!!^^* ooooo can't wait!'

[TRANS] 130914 SNSD Sunny Twitter Update: 'Good morning Jakarta!!^^* ooooo can't wait!'

Check out [Video] 130910 Sunny Instagram Update: 'Standing egg - Farewell For You Not Yet For Me'
Check out [Official Pictures] 130906 Sunny – tvN 'Grandpas Over Flowers'

Good morning Jakarta!!^^* ooooo can't wait!!! See you soon>_<♥ 인도네시아자카르타에소시콘하러왔어요!!여기도어제비왔오ㅠㅠ오늘은날씨가좋길..한국도날씨가좋길!!!^.~
— Sunny (@Sunnyday515) September 14, 2013

Good morning Jakarta!!^^* ooooo can't wait!!! See you soon>_<♥ I came to Jakarta, Indonesia for soshi's concert!! it rained here yesterday, tooㅠㅠ I hope today's weather is nice.. I also hope the weather in Korea is nice!!! ^.~  

Source: sunnyday515 on twitter
Translation by ch0sshi

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