Friday 1 June 2012

Tiffany says, "Sunny is the best at acting pretty"

Girls' Generation's sub-unit Taetiseo, consisting of members Taeyeon, Tiffany, and Seohyun, guested on the June 1st episode of "Yoo Heeyeol's Sketchbook." During the show, they were asked if there was a member who acts pretty by herself, to which the girls answered, "Sunny."

Tiffany explained, "She winks and keeps moving her shoulders," reenacting Sunny's version of the song "Gee."

She then wrapped up by saying, "Sunny's performance is a great help to Girls' Generation."

Source: TV Report via Koreaboo 

Posted by @hansoshi 



[NEWS] Seohyun Smacks Taeyeon in the Face During ‘Twinkle’ Performance

Fans were slightly bemused when Seohyun was suddenly isolated during a encore performance of “Twinkle” on the May 24th broadcast of “M! Countdown”. It turns out there were reasons for that.
Midway through the main performance, Seohyun’s long limbs apparently got in the way of Taeyeon, bumping into her microphone and hitting her teeth. To Taeyeon’s credit though, she grinned it off and resumed her performance as usual.
The result of this was that after the award presentation, when it came to Seohyun’s dance part, Taeyeon made an “active effort” to avoid her during the encore performance.
Check out the comical cuts of that week’s performance here.
The main performance (Starts at 1:47)
The encore performance (Starts from 1:36)
News coverage of the incident:
Source: HighdDefinitionVEVO@youtubecrazyforyul@youtubebluebirdk9@youtube
Written by: nicholys@soshified, ch0sshi@soshified
Edited by: residentbenchwarmer@soshified
Credit: Soshified | Follow Me

" KPOP " Understand it before Giving it your Criticism

A KPOP fan and her friend having a conversation :

Friend: Why do you like KPOP so much anyway? I mean, you can't even understand most of the lyrics and their autotuned songs-

Kpop Fan: Don't start that again.

Friend: But-

Kpop Fan: Have you ever experienced waking up every morning just to deliver milk in order to not burden your parents with the training expenses?

Friend: Well, no, but-

Kpop Fan: Did you drop out of high school to pursue your dream even if you're uncertain that you'll make it big?
Kpop Fan: Have you tried dancing and singing onstage with your heels on?
Kpop Fan: Did you experience hearing so much criticism you end up breaking down but you have to put on a smile for the sake of others?
Kpop Fan: Have you tried getting no more than two hours of sleep before tackling a new day all over again?
Kpop Fan: Did you experience having a hater that can go as far as putting glue in your drink, causing you to be hospitalized? And at the end, you'll forgive her because she's the same age as your sibling?
Kpop Fan: Have you tried auditioning countless of times before finally getting accepted?
Kpop Fan: Can you stay single for the sake of your supporters?
Kpop Fan: Can you sing and dance--live--at the same time?
Kpop Fan: Can you live up to the image a company has given you?
Kpop Fan: Can you bear living away from your family and friends, not being able to communicate with them for a long time because of your work?

Friend: Well, when we grow up that's what we'll do anyway so-

Kpop Fan: At the age of fifteen, sixteen, seventeen or maybe even eighteen?


Kpop Fan: There's more to KPOP than it seems. If you see them without the spotlight shining down on them, then you'll understand.

You see, there's more on kpop behind those flashy lights and sparkling costumes. Some might not understand it but a true KPOP fan will always understand and know whats the deeper sense of KPOP ! Cheers to all KPOP fans !

Credits : GGPH!/ohohnic

[NEWS] Girls’ Generation Members’ Food Allergies Revealed

A popular way in Korea for fans to show their support and appreciation towards their favorite artists is to send them delicious meals. However, food allergies are a very important factor that must be taken into careful consideration while preparing any kind of food.
On June 1st, MBC’s “Good Day” conducted several interviews with various lunchbox-making companies. During the interview, one company that is known for making lunches for Girls’ Generation revealed that “we always match our menu for the fans who know what Girls’ Generation members like.” As the interview progressed, the company shared some of the surprising food allergies that certain members of Girls’ Generation have. For example, Taeyeon is allergic to nuts, while Jessica not only dislikes the smell of cucumbers, she is also allergic to them. On the other hand, Tiffany enjoys eating eel so much that her lunchboxes have sometimes contained not one but two pieces of eel.
When asked about Girls’ Generation’s diet concerns, the company stated that they don’t make any special adjustments because the girls said that “they don’t need any special diet foods since they do a lot of dancing and singing and other activities.” So instead of cutting down portions or restricting only to certain foods, the lunchboxes are prepared with delicious ingredients that create a healthy balance between all the different food groups.
Source: Stewart Ho via enewsworld
Written by: FrozenArctic@soshified
Edited by: MoonSoshi9@soshified
Credit: Soshified

‘High Cut’ Magazine Interviews Sooyoung on Acting and Fashion

Recently, Sooyoung was featured in the 77th issue of “High Cut” magazine. She did an interview with the magazine in which she discussed her acting role, her interest in fashion, as well as her social status as a member of Girls’ Generation.
Q. You will finally be making your official attempt at acting in “The 3rd Hospital”. This is your first time acting in a drama whereas before you acted in the movie, “Hello, Schoolgirl”.
A. It is a drama that I have long been looking forward to. I’ve been looking at the script for “The 3rd Hospital” since last year, so I have confidence in it. There were better opportunities, but I chose the role of Euijin in “The 3rd Hospital” for the reason that without her, you can’t explain the entire context of the drama. I daringly chose this character, because I thought it could persuade and move the viewers.
Q. What kind of character is Euijin? Since she is a violist, I assume that you’ve practised a bit?
A. She has a very cheerful and bubbly personality, but she also has a troubled side to her. The way she seems honest and laid-back but hides her inner feelings is something I can relate to. Euijin also expresses her feelings honestly to the person she likes, but that’s not like me at all (laughs). As for the viola, I don’t have any musical instruments that I know how to play, so I was thinking that I would use this role as a chance to learn diligently. However, as is to be expected, nothing in this world is easy. I am still working hard though, so that I won’t have to use a double.
Q. There are some people who look at idols’ attempts at acting negatively. Are you prepared for that?
A. I have been received acting lessons since before my debut. I got cast in “Hello, Schoolgirl” through an audition, and that was before I became a Girls’ Generation member. I thought I was prepared, but instead I started panicking after the first shoot. I never said that I was confident in acting, and I don’t want to start now (laughs). Also, I honestly don’t think too much about those negative views towards idols. I’m Girls’ Generation’s Sooyoung, so what can I do? I don’t want to tell them to look at me as actress Choi Sooyoung. I should just be thankful that I’m able to show to them a different side of me.
Q. Your co-actors Kim Seungwoo and Oh Jiho are known for having good manners on set. Did you get any help from them?
A. When I met with senior Kim Seungwoo, it seemed like he only saw me as an idol, but as we continued filming, I could feel that he was really just being a modest person. During scenes in which only my point of view was shown, he would stand silently in front of me so I could capture the right emotions for the scene. He could’ve rested during those scenes, so I was really thankful that he didn’t. Oh Jiho Oppa coaches me directly. While I don’t have aegyo, Euijin has a lot of aegyo. He would coax those emotions out of me saying, “If you don’t make an aegyo-filled expression in this scene, then the scene can’t be explained or understood.” I think very highly of the seniors whenever I see them capture their emotions as soon as the word “action” is heard.
Q. It looks like aegyo is hard for you. Couldn’t you have learned it from the other Girls’ Generation members?
A. Those girls don’t have aegyo for guys. To be completely honest, I’ve never seen them show their aegyo to guys before (laughs).
Q. It seems like your face got darker talking about acting.
A. I liked this drama very much, and I got impatient when I had to wait so long for filming. I went around telling people, “I have to do well.” Even though they never witnessed my acting before, people would comfort me saying, “But you’re good.” At some point, I really believed that I was good, but as soon as we started filming, I began to let go of that thought. The only thing I think about now is how I will convey Euijin’s character. I’m just doing the best that I can, putting in plenty of effort so that I’ll be satisfied, and so that I won’t regret it in the future.

Q. The members trying their hands at acting must support and keep in check with one another.
A. They’re really great. Jessica, Yuri, and Yoona would practice acting during their busy schedules with only a few pages of the script. I had the entire script in my hand because my drama was in pre-production, but even if you tell me to eat at a fully served table, I won’t be able to. I told them, “I’m starting to feel respect for you.” Yuri and Yoona would be chatting about what happened on the set and they’d tell me, “I believe in you, Unnie. You’re good at this.” They would then share some advice with me. I’m really thankful when Yoona, who has acted a lot, shows concern for me and asks me things. Either way, it’s a good thing that they’re all doing well. We’re Girls’ Generation. I think that I must also still be responsible for Girls’ Generation’s career.
Q. When you’re promoting together, you’re a member of the greatest girl group in Korea, but as you’ve started individual activities and gone into acting, you’ve become a rookie again. How do you overcome that gap?
A. I used to feel small when I was alone. But now that people call me “Sooyoung-sshi” even when I’m by myself. I think, “Girls’ Generation has become this big. Without this group, where would I get this kind of treatment?” If you look at it like that, isn’t it special treatment? How could a rookie actor get the same great opportunity? Because of that, I’ve become more humble after starting individual activities, and I am also thankful to my members.
Q. Girls’ Generation members have all been doing solo activities since the end of last year. Are you planning on continuing on with the “separately but together” strategy?
A. Rather than deciding on the time for individual activities, we have a system in which we adjust group schedules based on individual ones. Even if there is a drama during album promotions, a member will still be able to become an actress. My wish is that we will all focus on the album when it releases.
Q. What is it like living as a member of Korea’s greatest girl group? I want to hear the pros and cons.
A. To be honest, everything that I do, I would like to do with my members. I’m sad that we can’t do activities outside together since people will recognize us. The pros are actually everything but these. Thanks to my members, I have succeeded in life. While others at my age are working in part-time jobs, trying to earn money for their tuition, I’m riding in a “dream car” with eight others. Compared to what I’m incapable of doing, I have been given a lot of things, and I have received a lot of love. The burden of having to do something as a member of Girls’ Generation is something to be proud of.
Q. Recently, the nickname “fashionista” has been added to the front of your name.
A. I’m not sure why, but I have always received a lot of invites to fashion events. When I was little, my mom had a lot of interest in fashion. I’m a bit conservative, so when I see someone wearing black undergarments with a see-through shirt, I ask, “Isn’t that too racy?” But my mom wittily replies, “Aren’t you supposed to wear it to show it off?” I have a lot of interest in fashion because I’m like my mom, so I’m glad that you acknowledged that during this photoshoot.
Q. Along with you, another member who seems to have a lot of interest in fashion is Jessica.
A. Jessica and Hyoyeon have a lot of interest in it, which I think is also why flashy clothes suit them. I actually didn’t know Jessica had that much interest in fashion. She used to only wear white t-shirts with jeans. Now, because she has a pretty body and knows what suits her, she’s really become a fashionista.
Q. Lastly, could you tell us about Sooyoung and Girls’ Generation’s plans for the rest of the year?
A. I will be filming for “The 3rd Hospital” up until August at most, and then a new Japanese single will be released. After that, we’ll be following various overseas concerts with SMTOWN, so I think we will be able to meet Korean fans somewhere in the second half of the year. I can give good word that I will also be working as an MC. I’ve actually been working hard with college life lately. Midterms ended last week, and I just submitted a report this week. I wasn’t able to match my schedule with my close friends this semester, so I’ve been sitting at a coffee shop in between classes all by myself. Heuk heuk (crying noises).

Credits :

120602 SNSD @ Japan Mobile Site Pictures

Click on the picture to enlarge!


DC Taeyeon || DC Sunny || @TAENYsCHILD [SMTownSNSD]

Take Out With Full Credit!

[Download] 120602 KBS YHY's Sketchbook SNSD TaeTiSeo 1080 HDTV Full Cut By 뱃살이。

[Download] 120602 KBS YHY's Sketchbook SNSD TaeTiSeo 1080 HDTV Full Cut By 뱃살이。



Credit:  뱃살이。
Uploaded by @sonehsun

120601 [Trans Message From Hyoyeon] Hyoyeon & Seohyun's Selcas + Message

- Selcas -

- Trans Message -

Hello~~! It’s Hyoyeon~~ >.<
My newest challenge~ Dancing with the Stars!!
You’re all watching it well aren’t you? ¡>,< Kyaak!! hehe
It’s still awkward but I am trying hard to give you a good showing so~
Please look forward to more~>.<
Ah!! And the fans who are always cheering for me! Thank you so much ^^!!
Thank you to my members too ~~~~♥


Translated by oniontaker || @TAENYsCHILD [SMTownSNSD]

Take Out With Full Credit!

120601 Hyoyeon New Selca From DWTS 2!!!

Posted by: @Yona89091

120601 SNSD @ Girl de Provence Perfume Promotion Picture


Take Out With Full Credit!

120601 TaeTiSeo @ KBS Music Bank Pictures


kbs_exclusive || @TAENYsCHILD [SMTownSNSD]

Take Out With Full Credit!

120601 All Selca Pictures of Yoona with Love Rain Staffs

Click on the picture to enlarge!








Take Out With Full Credit!

120601 Main Picture 'PAPARAZZI' of SNSD's Japan Official Website

Click on the picture to enlarge!


Take Out With Full Credit!

120601 Hyoyeon and Seohyun's Selca

Credit: as tagged
Posted by: @Yona89091

120601 Hyoyeon Performance on MBC DWTS 2

Credit: bug fany@youtube
Posted by: @Yona89091 

Prediction of 'PAPARAZZI' Album Prices for some countries (Part 3).

This is the Part 3 of the Prediction.

Special for Japanese SONEs , Here are the Confirmed Prices list of 'PAPARAZZI' Album: ¥1.100 (Regular Package) | ¥1.590 (Semi-Full Package) | ¥1.920 (Full Package).

As we have posted in the Part 1 and Part 2, We have posted the Prediction for SONEs from KOREA, U.S., INDONESIA (Part 1), SINGAPORE, THAILAND, AUSTRALIA, FRANCE & EUROPE COUNTRIES (Part 2).

In this Part 3, We give you the Prediction for SONEs from MEXICO (MXN), TAIWAN (TWD), THE PHILLIPINES (PHP), and VIETNAM (VND).

And REMEMBER! These Prediction are UNCONFIRMED! We calculated them with the Latest Currency Rate...

*For SONEs from MEXICO (MXN) : MXN 198 (Regular Package) | MXN 286,2 (Semi-Full Package) | MXN 345,6 (Full Package / Limited)

*For SONEs from TAIWAN (TWD) : TWD 418 (Regular Package) | TWD 604 (Semi-Full Package) | TWD 730 (Full Package / Limited)

*For SONEs from THE PHILLIPINES (PHP) : PHP 605 (Regular Package) | PHP 875 (Semi-Full Package) | PHP 1.056 (Full Package / Limited)

*For SONEs from VIETNAM (VND) : VND 293.000 (Regular Package) | VND 424.000 (Semi-Full Package) | VND 512.000 (Full Package / Limited)

Predictions for Some More Countries will be announced soon.

REMEMBER! These are UNCONFIRMED! We calculated the Predictions with the Latest Currency Rate.

PAPARAZZI Album will be released on June 27.

Written+Screenshot+Calculated by @hansoshi

[D-7] GIRL PERFUME - Girl de Provence

1st June Follow the perfume GIRL launching on June 8. One more image is adding, 7 days to go

Credits : CorsoComo

Gorgeous Sooyoung at SBS “Midnight TV Entertainment” Press Conference

SM, YG, and JYP Entertainment reveal sales revenues

The big three entertainment companies in South Korea, SMYG, and JYP Entertainment released their gross sales revenues for the first quarter of 2012.
According to their 2012 First Quarter Report, total sales for SM Entertainment increased 198.71% from the 2011 report for the same period with a sales revenue of 38.4 billion Won ($32.6 million USD).YG Entertainment recorded a sales revenue of 17.8 billion Won ($15.1 million USD), and JYP Entertainment recorded a sales revenue of 1.1 billion Won ($934,000).
JYP Entertainment’s revenues are less compared to SM and YG due to the fact that many of their popular artists are signed to the agency’s subsidiaries.
The employee salaries of the Big 3 have been revealed as well, attracting much attention due to the fact that the figures are smaller than expected when considering the high revenue that the companies bring in.
General staff employees of SM Entertainment have an annual salary of about 22.39 million to 29.99 million Won (about $19,000 to $25,400). YG Entertainment staff members earn 24.16 million to 26.12 million Won (about $20,500 to $22,200), while JYP staff members earn 10.75 million to 22.61 million won (about $9,100 to $19,200).
Credits : AllKpop