Wednesday 4 July 2012

[PHOTO] 'Girl de Provence' Official Photocard: Tiffany

Last update from 'Girl de Provence', including photo of Tiffany Official Photocard.


- Image : [Lovely]
=> Fragrance for you with pure love and sensibility seeking a romantic life

- Fragrance : Lovely floral fragrance

@fadilpinandita for @SMTown_SNSD

Credits: Girl de Provence

[VIDEO] Sooyoung - People Measured Her Legs on SBS "Midnight TV Entertainment"

Credit: SOSHIKingdom2 @ YT

Her leg is 107 cm (according to allkpop's article)

120704 Jessica's Selca @ UFO Profile Picture



Take Out With Full Credit!

120704 Taeyeon & Tiffany Pre-debut Pictures


oniontaker || @TAENYsCHILD [SMTownSNSD]

Take Out With Full Credit!

[Trans] 120704 Yuri UFO replies

[Trans] 120704 Yuri UFO replies

Credit: as tagged
Trans by @imwhywhy

120704 Sunny @ 연가시 Movie Premiere Pictures



Take Out With Full Credit!

120704 SNSD @ LG CF Promotion Pictures

click on the picture to enlarge!


Yoongbum || @TAENYsCHILD [SMTownSNSD]

Take Out With Full Credit!

120704 Yoona @ Freshlook Illuminate & Dailies Contact Lenses Official Promotion Pictures

Credits: || @TAENYsCHILD [SMTownSNSD]

Take Out With Full Credit!

120704 Seohyun @ The Face Shop Official Promotion Pictures


The Face Shop || @TAENYsCHILD [SMTownSNSD]

Take Out With Full Credit!

16 year-old Tiffany’s pre-debut Q&A !

16 year-old Stephanie Hwang’s pre-debut Q&A post
{} parentheses used for explanations and alternative translations.

 Always smiling even when I don’t like it
Like an idiot ㅠ_ㅠ……..

 Story1# 신상명세 Story1# Personal Details

01. 이름ːstephanie hwang (스테파니횅~ㅋ)01. Name: Stephanie Hwang (Stephanie Hweng~ㅋ

02. 생년월일/별자리ː1989.08.01/호랑이? ^^;;02. Birthdate/Star sign: 1989 August 1st/Tiger? ^^;;

03. 혈액형ː오!!ㅋ03. Blood type: O!! ㅋ

04. 키ː161 ㅡㅡ;; 04. Height: 161 ㅡㅡ;;

05. 가족관계ː아빠.언니.오빠.나!ㅋ05. Family: Daddy, older sister, older brother, me! ㅋ

06. 종교ː기도교-*06. Religion: Protestant -*

07. 별명 : 스파게티.스빠.황.step by step ㅡㅡ;; 07. Nicknames: Spaghetti, Seuppa, Hwang, step by step ㅡㅡ;;

08. 성격ː 솔직하다!* 좋으면좋고싫으면….싫어!!!!ㅋ08. Personality: Honest! * If I like it, I like it but if I hate it…. I hate it!!!!!ㅋ

Story2# 취향
Story2# Tastes

01. 좋아하는 음식ː다좋아해요^^ㅋ
01. Favourite foods: I like it all ^^ㅋ

02. 감동받은 영화ːthe passion of the christ02. Film that moved you: the passion of the christ

03. 좋아하는 날씨ːcalifornia여름!~
03. Favourite weather: Californian summer!~

04. 좋아하는 연예인ː rachel mcAdams, jessica alba, 내남편들~비! blackBeat에..장진영오빠*
04. Celebrities I like: Rachel McAdams, Jessica Alba, My husbands~ Rain! Jang *Jinyoung oppa.. from Black Beat

05. 좋아하는 계절은ː여름!^^05. Favourite season: Summer!^^

06. 좋아하는 노래ːselfish - nsync*06. Favourite song: Selfish - nsync*

07. 좋아하는 게임ː음음..playStation2게임들다잼있어요!^^
07. Favourite game: Umm Umm… I like all the games on Playstation 2

Story3# 복합
Story3# Complexes

01. 컴플렉스ː항상웃고있는모습!!01. Complex: I’m always smiling!!

02. 핸드폰 액정에 쓰여 있는 것ːstephanie화팅!!*02. Written on my phone screen: stephanie hwating!!*
{She has shortened hwaiting}

03. 하루에 보내는 문자 수ː음마니마니!ㅋ03. How many text messages sent per day: Umm lots and lots!ㅋ

04. 내가 가지고 있는 향수ːpink (victoria`s secret) romance (ralphLauren) secretWish (annaSui) 04. Perfumes I own: Pink (Victoria’s Secret), Romance (Ralph Lauren), Secret Wish (Anna Sui).

05. 한달용돈ː마니마니!^^05. Monthly allowance: Lots and lots!^^

06. 내 스스로가 한심할 때ː모가안됄때 ㅠ_ㅠ!!흥*06. When I feel like I’m unworthy: When something doesn’t work out ㅠ_ㅠ!! hmph*
{Can also be “when I can’t do something”}

07. 핸드폰 번호ː^-~* ㅋ07. Phone number: ^-~* ㅋ

08. 내 자신에 점수를 매긴다면ː음!암거나잘먹는다!!~^^08. If I were to rate myself: Umm! I eat anything very well!!~^^
{In Korean, the word for “to be rated” is literally written to look like “to eat points”, so Tiffany wrote “I eat anything very well” as a joke, avoiding the question{

Story4# 사랑
Story4# Love

01. 첫사랑ː있었어요~
01. First love: I had one~

02. 좋아하는 사람ː him..*
02. Who I like: him..*

03. 사귀는 사람ː없어용~
03. Who I’m dating: Nobody~

04. 이상형ː비~ㅋ 농담이고요…음…내가*사랑하면돼요~
04. I deal type: Rain~ㅋ I’m kidding… um… Whoever * I love~

05. 첫눈에 반한사람 : SS501에 김형준!캬캬캬 >_^;;
05. Someone you fell in love with at first sight: SS501’s Kim Hyungjoon!kyakyakya >_^;;

06. 사랑 vs 우정ː음..둘다~
06. Love vs Friendship: Um.. both~

07. 내가 사랑하는 사람 vs 나를 사랑하는 사람 ː내가사랑하는사람.
07. Someone I love vs Someone who loves me: Someone I love

08. 사랑하는 사람이 제일 보고싶을 때ː늘보고싶어요..
08. When you miss the person you love the most: I always miss them..
{Accusative pronoun in Korean is always genderless}

09. 이성을 볼 때 제일 따지는 부분ː밥먹는매너!!
09. What you look at first in a guy: table manners!!

10. 사랑이란 : 거는..행복.슬픔.아픔..etc*
10. Love is: that’s.. happiness.misery.pain..etc*

Story5# 무제
Story5# Untitled

01. 가장 기억에 남는 꿈ː무두슨내무습을보고행복하는울엄마!!~
01. Most memorable dream: My mom being happy, seeing me on stage!!~

02. 이성이 제일 싫을 때ː날화나게만들때! >_
02. When you hate guys most: When they make me angry! >_

03. 존경하는 사람ː엄마&언니♡
03. Who you look up to the most: Mom & Older sister ♡

04. 요즘 많이 가는 단골집ːbaskinRobbins!!♡ㅋ
04. Eaterie you visit most often recently: baskinRobbins!!♡ㅋ

05. 요즘 즐겨 입는 옷 브랜드ː중1때랑지금옷이아직까지..ㅋㅋabercrombie forEver!!^^
05. Clothing brand you currently wear the most: From the first year of middle school to the clothes I’m wearing now..ㅋㅋ ambercrombie forEver!!^^

06. 사귄지 100일째 되는 날 해주고 싶은 것ː내가꽃선물해죠야지잉~ㅋㅋㅋ
06. Something you want to do on the 100 day anniversary of a relationship: I’m going to give a present of flowers~ㅋㅋㅋ

07. 진정한 친구는 몇 명ː ㅠ_ㅠ…alone*
07. How many genuine friends: ㅠ_ㅠ…alone*

08. 내 평생 최대의 거짓말ːㅎㅎ^x^
08. Biggest lie I’ve ever told: ㅎㅎ ^x^

09. 현재 헤어 스타일ː긴밝은색머리!
09. Current hairstyle: long, bright-coloured hair!

10. 이상적으로 생각하는 고백 장면ː음음.
10. What you imagine a perfect love confession would be like: Umm umm..

Story6# 사랑
Story6# Love

01. 누군가를 사귈 때 좋은 점ː사랑을하면이뻐지잖아요!!^-~*ㅋㅋ
01. Best part of dating someone: You become prettier when you’re in love!!^-~*ㅋㅋ

02. 누군가를 사귈 때 나쁜 점ːstress!!~ ㅠ_ㅠ
02. Worst part of dating someone: stress!!~ ㅠ_ㅠ

03. 연상 or 연하 or 갑ː 연하=never.EWW!!….갑 or 연상~
03. Older or younger or same age: Younger=never.EWW!!….Same age or older~

04. 좋아하는 이성에게 받고 싶은 것ː같은생각하는마음.
04. Something I would like to receive from a guy I like: Like-mindedness

05. 좋아하는 이성한테 선물하고 싶은 향수ːburberry WEEKEND!^^
05. Fragrance you want to give a guy as a gift: burberry WEEKEND!^^

06. 누군가를 좋아하게 되면 제일 먼저 하는 것ː다시생각해본다.
06. First thing I do when I start liking someone: Think again.

07. 내가 생각하는 이상적인 연인상ː같이울고웃을수있는사람!
07. My ideal lover: Someone I can laugh and cry with!

08. 연애대상하고 결혼대상의 차이점ː 연애는순가이고 결혼은영원하다!~
08. Difference between a potential lover and a potential husband: Love is momentary, marriage is forever!~

09. 날 진정으로 사랑하는 사람에게 해주고 싶은 말ː나도그만큼사랑하면…”나랑결혼하쟈잉!!?ㅋ”

09. Something I want to say to someone who genuinely loves me: If I love them that much too… “Marry me, okay!!?ㅋ”

10. 좋아하는 사람에게 들려주고 싶은 노래ːultimate-lindsay lohan 아님..한국노래는.. 키스해주겠니-lyn&eddie♡
10. A song I want someone I love to listen to: Ultimate by Lindsay Lohan or… Korean song… Will You Kiss Me by lyn&eddie♡

Story7# 과거
Story7# Past

01. 나를 좋아한다고 말한 이성은 모두 몇 명ː없어요 ㅠ_ㅠ
01. How many guys have said they like you: Nobody ㅠ_ㅠ

02. 내가 고백했던 이성은 모두 몇 명ː1명 ㅠ_ㅠ
02. How many guys have you confessed to: One ㅠ_ㅠ

03. 제일 처음 알콜에 손을 댄 때ː아직16살이데요!ㅋ
03. First time you tasted alcohol: I’m still 16!ㅋ

04. 제일 많이 울어봤던 기억ː1월3일2002년이랑~병원이번했을때ㅠ_ㅠ
04. January 1st 2002~ and when I was in hospital ㅠ_ㅠ

05. 가장 기억에 남는 여행ː봄방학에미국다시갔었을때용!^^
05. Most memorable vacation: Spring break, going back to America!^^

06. 힘들 때 가장 힘이 되었던 위로ː음악들으면서거울앞에서춤추는거요!ㅋ
06. What comforted you the most when it was too much: Listening to music and dancing in front of the mirror!ㅋ

07. 지금 후회하고 있는 것ː그날왜싸웠을까`!?!!~ >_<
07. What you are regretting now: Why did I fight that day`!?!!~ >_<

Story8# 어떤 것
Story8# Things

01. 좋아하는 것ː밥.핑크.쇼핑.음악.춤.노래
01. Favourite thing: Food. Pink. Shopping. Music. Dance. Singing.

02. 싫어하는 것ː짜증날때!
02. Things I hate: When I’m pissed!

03. 지금 몸에 걸치고 있는 것ː잠옷^^
03. What you are wearing: Pyjamas^^

04. 내가 살고 싶은 집ː핑크색집에다가.하트모양수영장!ㅋ
04. House I want to live in: A pink house with heart-shaped swimming pool!ㅋ

05. 보물 1호ː가족♡
05. Greatest treasure: Family♡

06. 좌우명ː같고싶은게있으면..어떻게해서라도가진다!
06. Life motto: If you want something.. stop and nothing to get it!

07. 사람들에게 제일 많이 받는 질문ː사무실이지`? ㅡㅡ;;07. Thing that people ask you the most: Is this the office`? ㅡㅡ;;

08. 지금 당장 너무 갖고 싶은 것ːhim*08. What you want to have the most: him*

09. 내 외모 중 가장 맘에 드는 부분ː다좋아요!!~ㅋ09. Part of my appearance I like the most: I like it all!!~ㅋ

Story9# 양자택일
Story9# This or That

01. 담배 피는 이성 싫다/좋다ː진짜싫어요!
01. Like/Dislike a smoking guy: Hate!

02. 결혼할 때 부모님이 결혼을 반대한다면 헤어진다/도망간다ː 내가사랑하면.울아빠도그만큼사랑해줘야죠~ㅋ
02. Parents disapprove of who you want to marry. Break up/Run away: If I love them, then daddy should love just as much too~ㅋ

03. 자신의 과거를 떳떳이 밝히는게 좋다/싫다ː과거는상관없어요.지금이중요하지.
03. Like/Dislike someone confidently talking about their past: The past doesn’t matter. What’s important is the present.

04. 나는 사귀다 헤어진 사람과 친구로 지낸다/못지낸다ː지낸다+
04. I can/can’t stay friends with someone I used to date: Can

05. 나는 남자/여자라서 만족한다/불만이다ː만족해용~
05. I am satisfied/dissatisfied with being a boy/girl: Satisfied~

06. 좋아하는 사람에게 차이면 화낸다/운다ː암거나-*
06. If I get dumped by someone I like, I get angry/cry: Whichever~*

07. 나는 외모/성격이 좋은 사람이 되고 싶다ː성격.내마음이이쁘면.다이뿌다!
07. I want to be beautiful inside/outside: Inside. If my heart is pretty, then my everything is pretty!

Story10# 미래
Story10# Future

01. Future dream: WORLD STAR STEPHANiE-!!☆

02. 타임머신이 있다면 가보고 싶은 연도ː2001년도..& 2005.02.11-*
02. When would you visit if you had a time machine:

03. 하루동안 투명인간이 된다면ː무서워요 ㅠ_ㅠ.
03. If you were invisible for a day That’s scary ㅠ_ㅠ.

04. 미래 자신의 아이에게 지어주고 싶은 이름ː애들싫어요 ㅡ.,ㅡ 엄마이름!*미연*
04. Name you want for your future child: I don’t like kids ㅡ.,ㅡ Mom’s name! *Miyeon*

05. 유학을 간다면 어느 나라로ːHARRY POTTER에학교! (hogwarts`?^^)
05. Which country to be an exchange student in: HARRYPOTTER’S SCHOOL! (hogwarts`?^^)

06. 내일 하루 당신의 일정은ː교회!
06. Your plans for tomorrow: Church!

07. 가고싶은 대학교ːusc, harvard Law!!!!!!!!!!ㅋㅋㅋ
07. University you wish to attend: usc, harvard Law!!!!!!!!!!ㅋㅋㅋ

08. 100문 100답을 쓴다면 만들고 싶은 질문 : 노래 or 춤?
08. Question you want to add to 100Q100A: Singing or dancing?

09. 앞으로의 계획ːWORLD STAR STEPHANiE☆가돼는거!!~ㅋ
09. Plans for the future: Becoming WORLD STAR STEPHANiE!!~ㅋ

Story11# SM Ent.연습생 카페
Story11# SM Ent. Trainee Fanclub

01.팬분들에게 한마디~!!
01. Say something to the fans~!!
Jesus loves you & me too^^*♡
love love ^-~* x 1o0o0o0o0o0o
Jesus loves you & me too^^*♡
Always.. I’m grateful and love you so so much!!-*
love love ^-~* x 1o0o0o0o0o0o

01. 나를 좋아한다고 말한 이성은 모두 몇 명ː없어요 ㅠ_ㅠ01. How many guys have said they like you: Nobody ㅠ_ㅠ
02. 내가 고백했던 이성은 모두 몇 명ː1명 ㅠ_ㅠ 02. How many guys have you confessed to: One ㅠ_ㅠ

Source: 2nd Giveaway 2012 ! sponsored by @KpopMecca

Hi SONEs! We are back!



1. Re:package Album "Girls' Generation" - The Boys (Limited Edition) = Athalia Dominique

2. GIRLS' GENERATION - Vol.3 : Mr. Taxi Ver. = Riski Haliman

*The winners will be contacted by us via email. Winners who do not respond to contact regarding their prizes within 7 days will be deemed to have forfeited their right to claim it.

To appreciate our followers and our loyal readers, we want to give something to our readers & followers! " 2nd Giveaway 2012" sponsored by KpopMecca .

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*The Prizes:

1. GIRLS' GENERATION - Re:package Album "Girls' Generation" - The Boys (Limited Edition)

2. GIRLS' GENERATION - Vol.3 : Mr. Taxi Ver.

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