Saturday 21 April 2012

Fanfic Series: The Heartbreakers, Chapter 2. Unfolding Wings

Hey guys! Here chapter 2 of The Heartbreakers! Please noted that with effect of chapter 3, only the links will be posted here. The stories will be up on our forums!

Enjoy :)

“Oh, God, what the hell, Seohyun!” Yuri exclaimed after seeing Seohyun with three bodies of dead animals surrounding her.

From the moment Seohyun disappeared in the forest, she ran to the farthest side and drank from the poor critters unfortunate enough to be spotted by her; she did this until the smell of human blood faded with the faint smell of animal blood. Her sisters weren’t able catch up with her sooner. When Seohyun became oblivious to her surroundings, no one could outrun her. Even Yuri, the fastest running vampire in town, had trouble keeping pace with her.

“You’re a beast.” Yuri poked.

Taeyeon shut Yuri up before she could curse at the poor maknae further; Taeyeon’s heart had always softened for Seohyun when she was in delicate, troubled state.

She understood that their maknae grew up around human blood. Memories of her own parents feeding her human blood would always come to mind whenever she sensed human blood.

Taeyeon approached Seohyun to comfort her.

“Don’t.” Seohyun stopped her. “I’m okay, I just need some air.” She said as she stood up disappearing in the darkness once again within a matter of seconds.

“Aish, jinjja! I just got here and she’s gone again?” Tiffany sighed as she appeared after Yuri. “Damn these heels.”

“She’ll be fine, leave her be.” Taeyeon said as she turned to face Yuri and Tiffany. “Let’s go. Did the others hunt?”

“Yeah, of course. Sooyoung wouldn’t be the last to fill that bottomless pit of hers otherwise right?” Tiffany replied while brushing through her lush brown hair with her fingers, fixing them in place.

“I just heard my name again. Why, oh, why are you guys always talking about me?” Sooyoung suddenly appeared from the darkness, revealing her slender frame under the moonlight. She wiped her lips with her left arm. “That was delicious.”

“Yah! You’re wearing a white polo.” Tiffany pointed at the blood stained on Sooyoung’s top.

“Aish! Stupid, stupid, stupid!” Sooyoung slapped her forehead. “I have a midnight date with who-knows-who and I was supposed to have a romantic break up in the middle of the night with him.”

Tiffany, Yuri and Taeyeon chuckled at their sister’s cute stupidity. “Let’s just go back to our place so you can change before that date of yours.” Taeyeon said.

“Where are the others?” Yuri asked.

“They went back to house ahead of me. Oh, don’t ask… they’re going to change clothes too. They eat messier than me, you know.” Sooyoung giggled at the thought of her sisters.

“Come on, guys! You’re being slow.” Taeyeon called them as the three of them were all walking behind her.

“Slow huh?” Yuri mumbled, she exchanged looks with Tiffany and Sooyoung beside her. “Let’s race to the house!” In a blink of an eye, Taeyeon was left alone in the forest. She sighed, “Those girls would never really stop teasing me for being a shorty… aigoo.” She then followed her sisters and disappeared in a split of seconds too.

“Y-yah! TAEYEONIEEEE!” A sweet voice called after her. It was Sunny. “She should never curse herself for being a shorty.” She pouted her lips as she followed after Taeyeon.


Seohyun was sitting on a tree branch, looking across the empty horizon of the faraway city. With legs crossed, she sat like a mannequin—her pale white skin glowed in the dark as she had removed her thick layers of make-up. Her lips gleamed in crimson red, from all the blood that she just drank from earlier on. If the sight of her lips were a turn-on, her eyes would have definitely scare off mortals and vampires alike; her eyes sparkled in sanguine red, decorated by a heavy touch of gold within. It was almost a mesmerizing sight; if not for the fact that it wasn’t humanly possible, or that it was an indication of her superior strength, it would have surely been yet another one of her heartbreaking assets.

When she was younger, she used to feed on human blood and this was very much legal then. Her parents raised her well, teaching her everything they could. Ironically, her sweetest memories and her most bitter ones were all shed in human blood. Sweet because she would remember the times she spent with her parents and how they never hated her for being different. But because humans killed her parent right before her eyes, the same symbolic liquid tainted her memories as a child as well. She tried to protect her parents so much that she ended up killing those mortals; but it was too late to save her parent’s lives.

The smell of mortal blood always arouses Seohyun’s vampiric senses; she would always get the urge to rip through human whenever she smells their blood. She wanted to feed on them and watch them die gruesomely, that’s how it has always been. However, she had always been trying her best since she lived under the guidance of Soo Man.

Like a panorama, her past flashed through her mind, a past that shaped her into the being she now was; the perfect heartbreaker.

Seohyun was pulled back to reality by the sound of flapping wings. It was against the cold breeze that was hanging in the air of the night. She looked behind her, searched the forest with her keen eyes, but found nothing; save for the black shade of the towering trees behind her. She shrugged the thought off and rested her head on the trunk of the enormous tree, letting out a soft sigh.

She looked at the time on her classy leather watch; it’s already midnight, another day of forever.

Jumping onto her feet and landing on the ground, she bent down and dusted off her shoes. But as she glanced to the ground, another shadow formed from her back; there was someone else there. She continued to dust off her shoes but she stared at the shadow behind her, analyzing ways to get to that figure behind her. It couldn’t be a human, it must not be; if it was, she would either have to kill that person or compel him or her into forgetting what they just saw. She had just jumped from a twenty-five feet off from the tree branch and it’s so humanely impossible.

Her identity as a vampire should never be exposed.

Seohyun stood up slowly, but before she had even fully straightened herself, she had already pinned the figure against a tree someway to her left in one swift motion. With her arms now up against his neck, she took a closer look at the figure she had just assaulted.

“Omo! Kris, I’m so sorry!” Seohyun immediately eased her grip from Kris, eyes widening from the sight of him.

“Gw…gwaenchana.” Kris rubbed his nape and popped them. “Wow, you’re incredibly strong.” Kris said, giving Seohyun an slightly amused smile.

“Your smile…” Seohyun muttered to herself. Kris shot her a look as if he heard her, “I said you’re incredibly tall.” They both chuckled.

There was an awkward silence. Kris cleared his throat, “So, what are you doing here?”

“Just having a feast, you know……” Seohyun trailed off in her speech.

“Alone? You hunt alone?” Kris seemed interested. But his face was visible again. That serious expression of his had always been easy on the eye to Seohyun.

Kris was tall, body-built and incredibly handsome as what her sisters would say. But his face rarely lights up with sensible facial expressions. That’s why when Kris smiled at her, she couldn’t help but react to it.

“Well, of course,” Seohyun doesn’t have any plans on sharing with Kris her story. Aside from her eight sisters, all the other vampires under SM League were strangers to her; well except for her mentor, Kyuhyun, of course. “Sometimes it’s just fun doing things alone.”
Kris shifted his gaze from Seohyun to behind her. That was so abrupt that made Seohyun looked back too.

“What is it?” Seohyun asked, there seemed to be nothing in the blankness of the dark forest. Until there were brushing sounds of the leaves of the trees from a distance.

It was a mystery. Even the cold breeze earlier did not blow any winds at all. It continued for a few more seconds. Seohyun’s eyes sparkled in golden-red again. She’s ready to rip the heart out of whomever or whatever was out there.

Seohyun moved forward to jump towards whatever creature was there behind those trees in the distance. She lunged forward but Kris suddenly held back by her wrist. She turned around and glared at Kris.

Kris’ eyes widened a little. “Y-your eyes…” he was amused by the color of Seohyun’s eyes. It’s his first time seeing such color. It was bright and visible in the darkness. He wanted to stare at it for a little while longer, it was all so interesting to his eyes. But Seohyun denied him the chance to fully admire those eyes, turning away from Kris as she willed her eyes to gleam in their usual hue again. She then looked back at Kris.

“I’m sorry.” Seohyun said as she pulled her hands off Kris’ grip. Once again the leaves rustled. Seohyun felt the urge to jump to the tree across them.
“No, I’ll handle it.” Kris said, “Go now. I think I’m gonna have a midnight snack.”
“But, that could be a human.” Seohyun said. “Were you taught how to compel?”
“Don’t worry. You already said it, sometimes it’s just fun doing things alone.” Kris assured, looking again towards the direction where the leaves were swaying.

“Now, go.”

It wasn’t as if Seohyun felt that Kris had authority over her, she was just not in the mood to let her pride get in the way; she was too preoccupied in her own thoughts to even contemplate in lecturing her junior. With that, she left the company of Kris out of the forest. In a matter of moments, she was surrounded by the familiar girly and pinkish environment; Tiffany went to great extremes to ensure their home was a pink as possible

Taeyeon was waiting in the terrace and she was relieved to see Seohyun on the porch. She quickly jumped down to her side. Seohyun jumped in surprise.

“Unnie~ You should really stop doing that!” She whined. Taeyeon ignored her and just pulled her into a tight embrace.

“I’m glad you’re back safely.” Taeyeon said hugging her sister as if she never wanted to let go.

“Jeongmal mianhae unnie,” Seohyun replied with obvious guilty for making Taeyeon worry that much. They stay locked in embrace for longer than both cared to admit.

“You can all go out now.” Kris said in his husky voice.

“Owww.YAH~!” Baekhyun rubbed the back of his head as if it was just hit by one of his brothers. “My wings kept on brushing with the leaves, I didn’t mean it.” He flapped his silver wings that lit up the whole forest.

“Control the flapping, dude. It literally makes you shine brighter.” Chanyeol appeared behind Baekhyun, swiftly flying over to Kris without flapping his wings as much as Baekhyun did.

“Seohyun almost got you, Baek. You should be more careful next time.” Kris said leaning on the tree’s trunk with his arms crossed on his chest.

The others started coming towards the three that gathered in the middle of darkness, lit by the wings of their approaching brothers.

 “I thought I saw a red and yellowish gleam of light here. I was holding my breath in the air.” Suho came down with his silver wings from above.

“I didn’t know Seohyun was still here, I’m sorry. We were almost caught off-guard.” Xiumin said who appeared with Luhan. Their golden wings were beautifully flailing in the darkness.

Kris just gave them an annoyed look. Then he looked in the distance. “Just what are those kids think they are doing?!” He suddenly walked along the branch that he was standing into, gazing in the empty horizon line that showed nothing but darkness.

“I couldn’t stop them, but we’ve tried.” Chen said as he landed on the branch of another tree across Kris. Chen came with D.O. whose silver wings furled down on his back as he landed beside Chen.

In the next moment, Kris’s eyes burned with bright silver sparkles. The other members widened their eyes and stole glances at each other.

It wasn’t a good sign.

“Hyung, relax. We’ll get those kids,” Chanyeol approached Kris. But he backed off at once when Kris’ bright golden wings unfurled. It expanded widely beneath his stiff shoulder blades from his back.

“There is no need.” Kris said with his eyes not glued on the little lights playing from afar. Without any more words, Kris took off. His enormous beautiful gold wings were slowly fading in the distance until it played along with the other lights.

As soon as Kris reached his younger brothers playing in the middle of the midnight sky, they stopped. They gulped when they saw Kris’ slivery eyes staring down each of them.

“I believe you know what to do. I’ll forgive you this time.” Kris said in his low voice eyeing Tao, Lay, Kai and Sehun. The four of them looked down.

“Now go.”

Kai and Sehun flew towards the distant forest where their other brothers are. Their silver wings flapped and Tao and Lay followed. The skies simmered in a hue of gold and silver emitted by their wings as Kris trailed behind them.

One by one, they folded their wings as they re-entered the dark spectral forest. They had to hide their wings well once they were among other beings; they could not risk being since in their angelic forms.

Asides from the shine of the moon, the forest was pretty much pitch dark; well save for the silver gleam Kris exuded from his eyes.

“H-hyung, your eyes. Could you?” Suho said in his serene voice. He could not find the right words to say. “It creeps us out whenever it shimmers that way.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Kris looked away and blinked twice just as what Seohyun did with hers earlier. “I just can’t control it when emotions fill me up.” Just like that, the bright silver glitter of his eyes was gone.

“I actually find it cool!” Baekhyun blurted out making everyone look at him. “Or not.”

Kris sighed, “Anyway, I heard from your mentors that you’ve all been working hard.”

“Of course, we’re working towards one goal.” Chanyeol said, his deep voice almost echoed in the woods. “We cannot fail.  We gave up our white wings to save you, golden-winged angels.” Chanyeol belonged to the Silver-winged angels together with Suho, Baekhyun, D.O. Kai and Sehun. They were angels who turned away from God to save their brothers--Kris, Lay, Xiumin, Chen, Luhan and Tao--who turned away from God to Lucifer. As punishments for turning away from God, He made their wings glow in silver and the others, gold.

“Soften your hearts. Maybe one of these days we can be freed.” Luhan said, smiling at everyone to put up a lighter mood.

“It’s damn hard to find true love.” Tao scratched his head.

“Of all the mortals I dated, I never really felt anything… it’s almost ironic that I have to break their hearts instead.” Xiumin added, putting a devious smile on his face.

Suddenly, Kris’ phone rang. He looked at the caller and he turned to his brothers, “My mentor.” He sighed. “I have to leave first, remember to be careful. No one knows we’re not vampires like them.”

His brothers nodded at him. He disappeared in the west of the forest as he answered his mentor’s call.

“Just one of us has to fall in love and we’ll all go back to heaven. And the curse will forever be broken. Just one of us, one day we will return.” Kai mumbled as each of them separated and took off in their own separate way; wings unfolding across the wide midnight sky while all else were asleep.

Written by:  @MShey17
Edited by: @DripDropBlop
Follow us on Twitter: @SMTown_SNSD

120421 Shinhwa Show - Sooyoung & Hyoyeon Cut

Credit: iheartsooyoung2@youtube

[More Pictures] 120421 Jessica & Tiffany at Chanel Makeup Popup Store Open-Vogue Girl Photo Shoot

[Pictures] 120421 Jessica & Tiffany at Chanel Makeup Popup Store Open-Vogue Girl Photo Shoot

[ENG SUB] 120421 MC TaeNyHyun Cut

Credit: ilovep10subs@youtube

Jessica & Tiffany at Chanel event

credit: graceyyoon@youtube

120421 Yuri's Mamonde CF Ver.2

120421 [CF] 마몽드 Ver.2 15s (Yuri)

credit: 8ytmsyjsh@youtube

[Full HD]120421 Taetiseo MC Cut.ts

[Full HD]120421 Taetiseo MC Cut.ts

credit: 777hiyo002@youtube

Fanfic Series: The Heartbreakers, Chapter 1. Life of a Heartbreaker

Hey guys, here's the first chapter of The Heartbreakers! As ususal, this can also be found in the forums here.


Seohyun was checking her account if she has any requests. She scrolled down on the endless list of jobs that she had completed. Being a vampire, she had broke countless of hearts, as have her unnies/

“Why not take a rest, Seohyun-ah? You’ve been too dedicated to working as a heartbreaker. Have a heart.” Taeyeon, her oldest sister, teased. Her other sisters chuckled.

“I don’t have a heart, we all don’t.” Seohyun said while scrolling down and recalling the girls she served and how jerks were their boyfriends.

“Look! I have a new request and she’s asking me to meet her tonight. Wow. Humans never stop having their hearts broken, don’t they?” Tiffany said before closing her laptop.

“I’m come with you, unnie! I have a long list to be checked. I might as well start trimming them down.” Seohyun said as shut down her laptop and fixed her bag.

“Mortals are too weak. They always get their heart broken; they never learn how to fight for what they feel. Pssh.” Hyoyeon said.

“But that’s why we exist.” Yoona added, blowing on her newly polished nails. “All of them are fools when it comes to love.”

“Well, we have to thank Lucifer for cursing us never to fall in love.” Seohyun said, fixing her make-up and putting on some eyeliner.

She’s a real badass, giving off a fierce vibe. She’s not-maknae-like in this group. Taeyeon’s even bubblier than she is.

“By the way, where’s Yuri-unnie?” She asked, still fixing her eyes.

“She’s hiding from the TVXQ gods. I think she failed her last mission.” Yoona said coolly while brushing the tips of her nails dry.

“What???” Taeyeon exclaimed. “That brat, now why didn’t she tell me?!” Taeyeon let out a sigh. “Now I have to go to the TVXQ gods and beg for another pardon. She should have told me.” She shook her head.

“Come with us, unnie. Look for her in the land of humans. So we’ll be back together later.” Tiffany said, while patting Taeyeon’s back to comfort her. “It’ll be fine. Yuri’s a good heart breaker, it’s just that our maknae here is the best.”

A slight pink hue appeared on Seohyun’s cheeks as she blushed a little and exclaimed, “Unnie~ Stop that.”

“Come on, let’s go.” Taeyeon pulled down her blouse and dusted them off. “Wake Jessica up when it’s time to hunt for dinner.”
“Oh, come on. That lazy girl will wake up if it’s about eating.” Hyoyeon said.

“Did I hear eating???” Sooyoung suddenly appeared on the doorway which started Seohyun as she was standing by the door, ready to leave.

“Unnie!!! You should really stop doing that!” She playfully hit Sooyoung on the arm.

“We shouldn’t waste our fast reflexes you know.” Sooyoung said jokingly, stretching her arms up and wiggled her hands.

“You’re only fast when it’s about food.” Hyoyeon said making everyone chuckle.

In a few moments, they arrived in the city. SM’s hideout was extremely far from the city but it takes a minute for the girls to go to the city since vampires travel really fast. Tiffany turned around as she sensed the place where she’s supposed to meet up with her ‘customer’. She pursed her lips with a shiny lip balm.

“I’ll get going guys. Found my rendezvous point.” She said looking back at the girls with her only to find Seohyun. “Where’s Taengoo?” Seohyun shrugged her shoulders and then suddenly, Taeyeon came running from a distance.

“Ah, jinjja. You guys should wait for me! I’m not a fast runner like you!” Taeyeon shouted from a distance.

“Ahjumma! Ppali! I’m leaving! I’ll see you both later!” Tiffany said and waved goodbye. She disappeared in the crowd after.

Taeyeon panted as she reached Seohyun. She held onto her knees while giving off heavy breaths. “Aish…jinjja. Have you guys never tried travelling slowly?”

“You’re getting old. I can’t believe a vampire’s aging.” Seohyun teased her unnie.

“Y-yah!” Taeyeon stood straight and hurled her hands on her hips. “That’s disrespectful! Besides, we don’t age,” She said, with a frown forming across her face.

“Do you need help in finding Yuri-unnie? She’s got long legs, you know.” Seohyun continued teasing Taeyeon, looking at her unnie’s short legs.

“Of course not! I can do that on my own!” Taeyeon shrugged.

“The last time I checked, Yuri-unnie runs faster than me.” Seohyun said, “Anyway, I’m going! See you later for hunting!” Seohyun waved goodbye but shot a glance back at Taeyeon. “Don’t make us wait for too long!” She said chuckling and continued walking until she blended with the crowd walking along the busy streets of Seoul.

Taeyeon sighed and went on her own way.

Seohyun was playing with her cellphone when it beeped. She was sitting on one of the benches in the park where little kids where playing. She had actually enjoyed the sight of light-hearted kids; sometimes she’s just tired seeing tears from the girls who ask her to break the hearts of their exes. She ended her game and opened the message. It was from her former ‘client’.

It read: Thank you, unnie. My boyfriend and I are back together.

Then another message came saying, ‘My boyfriend became sweeter than before. Thank you!” then more messages came.

“How many hearts have I broken and healed at the same time? I’ve really been working a lot lately. Same things always happen. Yesterday’s always like today. I roam around, meet different guys, make them fall for me and break their hearts until they return to their precious ex-girlfriends. It’s a mystery why I never get tired doing this. Maybe breaking hearts is kind of fun. Or maybe not. Or maybe I should just check on my bank account.”

She finally stood up and went to the nearest teller to check on her account that must have been filled with payments from her customers. They’re using the money to become the kind girls they should be. They can’t be who they are always so most of the time, they disguise as cutesy girls, or lady-like or a demure one. It just depends on the guy they’re going to deal with. They also try their best to hide their identity, moreover, as vampires.

But as she was checking on her account, a click of the gun was pointed on her right temple.

“Give me your money.” A rough voice said from her back. She sighed. “Humans, they never get tired of this, do they?”

She immediately grabbed the gun and turned around, twisting the guy’s arm and pinning him down on the ground.

“You’re messing with the wrong girl.” Seohyun said before twisting the guy’s arm further.

“I should be breaking hearts, not arms.” She hissed, letting go of the guy’s arms and swiftly disappeared from sight.

Her eyebrows were crooked, pissed off big time, as she went back to the streets heading towards the coffee shop her next customer awaited. The smell of coffee burned her nose. Human food was never pleasant to vampire’s sense of smell. But she managed to just breathe normally, getting used to the various scent of food they encountered in their lives as vampires.

She looked around, spotting the girl who hired her. She walked towards her and took the seat across the girl.

The girl was crying, “A-are you Seo Joo Hyun-shi?” She sobbed in between words.

“Yes, I am.” Seohyun said, “Stop crying. You did not hire me for nothing, right?” She tried comforting the girl. “Now, the papers.”

The girl extended her hand to Seohyun and handed her an envelope. “He just broke up with me a few days ago. Damn that guy.” She cursed.

“What exactly did he do?” Seohyun asked, holding the envelope, not yet opening it. She was too used to reading the likes and dislikes and hobbies of most guys. She might have even memorized them all.

“Oh, Joohyun-shi—“

“Seohyun, it’s Seohyun.”

“S-Seohyun-shi… Neh.” She sniffled then continued, “he’s actually a very good looking guy. His body is well-built. He’s incredibly tall. I’ve never seen him around before I met him at the train station.”

“Continue, I’m listening.” Seohyun said in a clam manner, while not making it obvious how uninterested she is to listen to these heartbreak stories. She never felt for them mainly because, she’s a vampire cursed to never feel love at all but also because this is probably the 10th case she handled today. Working with too many guys is sometimes irritating too.

“I was so broken when I broke up with the boyfriend before him. I went through a bad break up with that ex-boyfriend of mine, I hurt him a lot. But I felt so stupid that time that I wanted the train to crash me into piece” She said. “And just when I was about to step onto the middle of the railings, this guy came and somehow saved my life.”

“So you fell for you savior… I see.” Seohyun nodded with subtle disinterested and boredom.

“He took my all insanity away, I felt sane when I’m with him. He’s just perfect; it’s beyond what words could describe. He’s like  Daniel and I Lucinda in the novel. He was the best thing that ever happened to me; he cared a lot, he… he made me feel loved.” She explained.

Oh, good lord, she was crying harder now. “B-but he broke up with me just as everything was perfect. He broke my heart the same way my ex-boyfriend did. He did all those stupid things in the end too.”
“W-what do you mean?” Seohyun asked just to get into the conclusion of how the guy broke her heart.

“He left without any closure. He met up with me in the train station where we had first met; he said he’s never coming back. And that he’s not capable of loving. That everything he did to me was just a favor. And that my ex-boyfriend still loved me so much that I should get back to him instead. In a second, he ran towards the other end and the train passed… and then he’s gone.” The girl sniffed. “He did not even let me utter a word to even hold him back…” the girl finally wiped the tears.

“H-he asked you to come back to your ex-boyfriend?” Seohyun grew curious about the guy. Of all the situations she handled before, it’s her first time to hear that. Her ears perked up and she paid attention to what the girl was saying.

“Yes, he did. And that lame ‘I’m not capable of loving anyone.’ line of his, it’s… it’s just so stupid but it broke my heart.” The girl suddenly started crying again and then she felt her nose bleeding. “Oh, God…”

“Y-your nose… it’s bleeding.” Seohyun wrinkled her nose. She tried to hold her breath since among all the SM members… she was the weakest in resisting human blood.

“Y-you need to go.” She said. Her eyes glared a golden-red color to the girl making her back off a little. “I’m serious, just go and—and clean yourself up. Stop crying over that guy. I’ll hunt him. I mean I’ll find him for you and break his heart too.” Seohyun said avoiding the girl’s eyes.

She followed what Seohyun said abruptly and stood up. She left the coffee shop covering her nose with her handkerchief to stop the bleeding.

Seohyun can still smell the blood stinging her nose. It’s too sweet. It’s been so long since she last tasted human blood. But it was wrong… Soo Man would surely send her back to Lucifer if she tried biting a human.

Seohyun was suddenly lost her mood. She was still supposed to meet up with two guys that she was currently dealing with. But she just wanted to ditch them right away. She grew a little dizzy; the smell of sweet human blood lingers on her nose as if it was the most expensive perfume.

“H-hey, Seohyun, baby…” Someone suddenly hugged her from behind.

“Nice. One of the stupid guys caught me.” Seohyun thought and she rolled her eyes. The guy started sniffing the alluring scent of Seohyun’s hair from behind.

Seohyun tried to get the guy’s grip off her but he wouldn’t budge. So she tried harder. The guy almost screamed with the pain.
“Get off me.” Seohyun glared. She just knew it was sparkling in with that golden-red hue again.

“W-what happened to your eyes?” The guy asked, Seohyun avoided the guy’s gaze. No mortal should know that vampires like her existed.

“Nothing. Hey, Taeyang.” She said looking back at him, making sure the golden-red sparkle wasn’t visible anymore. “Did I mention before that I never really liked you?”

“W-what are you saying?”

“I was saying that I’m going to meet my boyfriend in five minutes. So I have to go. Taeyang-shi, goodbye.” Seohyun said, leaving Taeyang behind.

 She quickly disappeared into the busy street of Seoul that Taeyang didn’t had the chance to go after her. Taeyang really liked Seohyun. But little did he know that Seohyun was just doing it for IU—Taeyang’s ex-girlfriend.

But instead of calling IU, Taeyang dialed his bestfriend’s number. “Hey, hyung… can I ask you something? About the Heartbreaker’s online site? Can you sign me up? Yes, give me the details when to meet up with the guy. Someone broke my heart way too easily tonight.”

Seohyun proceeded right away to the next venue—to another boy she’s to break up with. It was the last for the day anyway. And same break up lines she uttered probably for the nth time.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t think we’re meant to be… maybe this love isn’t true. The sparks and fireworks were all gone… I’m sorry. I can’t feel you anymore.” Seohyun muttered under her breath as the guy before her was almost crying.

“I-it’s okay… maybe you’re right… I’m plainly stupid…” Myungsoo said.

“I’m sorry.”

“Stop it. Stop saying that. It’s okay.” The guy said and forced a fake smile.

Well at least this was easier to handle than Taeyang.

Seohyun slowly walked away from the guy. She checked the list on the cellphone and marked  Taeyang’s and Myungsoo’s names. She clutched the envelope from the girl to her side thinking she’ll just work on this case tomorrow. She definitely needs to hunt some deer down and suck the blood out of the poor animal.

She met up with her sisters on the park near the forest.
“Ooh, look who’s late.” Taeyeon said, who’s standing in the middle between Tiffany with the smile on her eyes and Yuri, who has her arms crossed on her chest. “And look who caught the fastest runner!”

“Shut up, I’m off to suck some bloody animal.” Seohyun said without stopping by her unnies and disappeared in the shadows of the forest.

Her three sisters exchanged looks, Tiffany and Yuri shrugged their shoulders. Taeyeon mumbled, “Human blood.” Taeyeon sighed as she shook her head. Then the three of them followed Seohyun in the darkness of the forest.

Written by:  @MShey17
Edited by: @DripDropBlop
Follow us on Twitter: @SMTown_SNSD