Friday 24 May 2013

[TRANS+Picture] 130524 Taeyeon Message on SONE PLUS+

[TRANS+Picture] 130524 Taeyeon Message on SONE PLUS+

Check out [Picture] 130524 Taeyeon Instagram Update: 'No... ginger.......'
Check out [Picture] 130523 Taeyeon Instagram Update

[TRANS+Picture] 130524 Taeyeon Message on SONE PLUS+

SONE PLUS+の皆さんこんにちは、テヨンです。

真っ黒だから写真だと顔があまり見えないですよね...(>_<) まだ赤ちゃんなので、写真を撮るときも動いちゃって大変なんです! これから色々教えていかないと...(笑)  

Hello everyone of SONE PLUS +, it is Taeyeon~ How are you guys ^ ^?
Today I'll introduce my new family member "Ginger" ♪
He's a black poodle!
He is all black so it's hard to see his face in the picture... (>_<) He's still a puppy, so it's difficult to take a picture because he moves! I have to teach him many things from now... (laughs)

Source: SONE PLUS+
Translation: RedSunset

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