Friday 28 September 2012

[TRANS] [Message from YoonA] 여러부우운~~~ (Everyone~~~)

[Message from YoonA] 여러부우운~~~ (Everyone~~~)

여러부우운 추석이 다가왔어요~
Everyone Chuseok is approaching~

모두들 가족과 함께 맛있는 음식도 많이 먹고 푹 쉬면서
While everyone is having good meals with family and resting well

즐거운 연휴를 보내셨으면 좋겠네여~^^
I hope you guys will enjoy the holiday~^^

날씨가 쌀쌀해졌으니 감기도 조심하시구요!
As the weather is getting colder, be careful not to catch cold!

송편 먹은만큼 우리 응원해 주세여♥
Support us as much as you eat the songpyeons ♥

융이의 추석 선물로 사진 한 장 투척! 크히히
As a gift for Chuseok, I'll 'throw' you a picture of Yoongie! keuhihi

Source: Girls' Generation Official Website 
Translation by

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