Saturday 1 September 2012

[From. TAEYEON] 잘자요~♥ + Translation

오늘도 우린 음중에서 이렇게~♥ 오늘 룩 팬미팅도 재미있었어요 ^^ 오랜만에 우리 팬들 봐서 완전 좋았당! 세상에서 젤 좋아 우리팬들ㅎㅎ 잘자요 허니…ㅎㅎㅎ

[TRANS] "Today too , during MuCore we did it ( taking selca ) ~ ♥

Today's fanmeeting too was an interesting and fun one ^^

It has been a long time since we have seen our fans , so i/we totally love/enjoyed it !

In the world , the fan club we/i love the most hehe

Good Night Honey"

Credits: Taeyeon / SM Star Home / @stephfanie_805 (Translation) / @ninelites (Poster)

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