Tuesday 17 September 2013

[Picture] 130911 Yuri Instagram Update: 'how she’s been'

[Picture] 130911 Yuri Instagram Update: 'how she’s been'

Check out [Picture] 130905 Yuri Instagram Update: 'reliable. thanks. I have no reason to be lonely'
Check out [Picture] 130904 Yuri Instagram Update: 'the summer of 2013 must be over'

The caption of the photo:
그녀의 근황 #넌가끔가다내생각을하지난가끔가다딴생각을해

how she’s been #YouOccasionallyThinkOfMeIOccasionallyThinkAboutSomethingElse

Source: yulyulk on Instagram
Translation by ch0sshi

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