Tuesday 9 April 2013

[Picture+Trans] 130409 Taeyeon Instagram Update: 'Today's finished!...'

[Picture+Trans] 130409 Taeyeon Instagram Update: 'Today's finished!...'

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130409 Taeyeon Instagram Update: 'Today's finished!...'

The caption of the photo:
今日、終わった!고생하시는 우리 매니져님께 ひつまぶし 증정!! 이거먹고 힘내야대 용용!쥰쥰! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Today's finished! hitsumabushi for our manager who works hard!! You have to eat this and be strong Yong Yong! Jyun Jyun!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Source: taeyeon_ss on Instagram
Translation by @ch0sshi

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