Thursday 31 January 2013

2YOON reveal they were encouraged by Girls’ Generation’s compliments

2YOON recently sat down for an interview and revealed their thoughts on their debut as well as the compliments they received from Girls’ Generation.

2YOON shared, “We were very happy when the Girls’ Generation sunbaenims complimented us a lot. Girls’ Generation sunbaenims said, ‘The song and dance are good, and the style and overall concept were well-thought-out,’ and showed their support. Not only the title track, but they also specifically mentioned track 4, ‘Se Se Se‘, on the album and discussed it with us. After hearing that, we were even more touched. Through Girls’ Generation’s compliments, we gained more strength for our activities.”

“Since the two of us are the vocal line of 4minute, there were many opportunities for us to sing together during concerts and radio programs, and we thought that at this time, it would be a good idea to release an album together. We asked our agency first if we could release an album. After our agency listened to our plans, they said, ‘Make something good,’ so we directly participated in the album jacket, style, and album production.”

“All of the 4minute members like it more when we work than when we rest. We would like to continue our album promotions longer and make 2YOON’s music and style widely known.”

2YOON recently made their debut with title track “24/7” off their album ‘Harvest Moon‘. The duo have been receiving attention as the first K-pop artists to attempt the country pop dance genre.

Source + Image: Star News, Nate via

Posted by flamesoul

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