Tuesday 11 December 2012

[News] SNSD to make Korean comeback in January…Perhaps!

[News] SNSD to make Korean comeback in January…Perhaps!

Finally some information has been released regarding Girls’ Generation’s 4th album! Perhaps this won’t make your wait any less painful, but hey, some update about the comeback is better than none, right?

According to the people from the music industry.. “SNSD have been working on albums to be released in both Japan and Korea. They will most likely to release a new album in Korea early in January next year“.
However, an SM representative stated, “SNSD has almost finished working on their new album because they have already decided the lead track of the album. But we haven’t decided when to release the album yet. It’s also too early to talk about whether or not they will release a new album in overseas countries“.
I guess all we can say is keep your fingers crossed for a comeback soon!
Via. wonderfulgeneration - snsdkorean - smtownsnsd.com

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