Thursday 30 August 2012

Who is the new mystery couple for MBC's "We Got Married."?

A recent capture of MBC's We Got Married has been circulating around the net causing chaos to every sones. The capture shows a blurred photo of Girls' Generation's "Vita500" as it's background.  Everyone was speculating Yoona as one of the new mebers of the show to be coupled with another male Idol as also shown at WGM's clip of "Idol Recruitment Requirements" at SMTown Seoul. Members Taeyeon and Seohyun had also been part of the show on it Season 1 and 2 paired with Jung Hyundon for Taeyeon and CNBlue's Jung Yonghwa for Seohyun. So, Who do you guys think will be the newest Soshi member to join the show? Pick your choice and let's see if who you guessed is right when WGM released it's official news!

Posted by @_taedork

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