Sunday 22 July 2012

[MINI-PROJECT] SMTOWNSNSD's Mini Video Project for Soshi's 5th Anniversary

Hello SONEs!

As we all know, Girls' Generation's 5th Anniversary is arriving soon, on the 5th of August.
SMTOWNSNSD is proud to present to you a mini video project to show the girls our love
for them!

It's simple! All you have to do is to send a video or picture of yourself, with the shoutout/action in your most comfortable language:

 'Happy 5th Anniversary Girls' Generation!'

For Individuals:
(RECOMMENDED) Show anything in accordance to the number 5 (your hand, a board with the number 5, etc, be creative!)

Otherwise, you can hold up anything (banners,placards,etc) you wish to show in the short shoutout to the girls! Our media team will collate the shoutouts and make an impressive anniversary video for the girls! It's a short and simple project in which we wish to hear shoutouts from SONEs all around the globe! So SONEs everywhere, we need your support to make this video a smashing hit!

For pictures, you can take a photo of yourself, but you have to make the number 5 significantly obvious! Like the video, take what you want!

For groups:
(RECOMMENDED) Show anything in accordance to the number 5 (your hand, a board with the number 5, etc, be creative!)
You can also send in your shoutouts as a group of friends if you wish to!

We are also aware of the global volunteer efforts organised by withsosi's volunteer team (@sonevlt),and we wish to make this plan active in as many regions possible! We would like your group of volunteers to do the shoutout as a whole if any of you are joining in various volunteering efforts in your regions! A shoutout in unison of your individual volunteer groups will definitely be a smashing factor in the video as well! Please look below for volunteer groups in your region, we will update for as many volunteer groups as possible when notified!

For groups, you can take a group shot, but make sure it's related to the number 5, as it's the 5th anniversary. Good luck!

Please submit your video in MPEG-4 format or your image in JPEG/PNG and compressed to zip folder (if necessary) with your:
Name & Country to

Deadline: 23:59:59  5th August 2012 GMT +9

For any queries, please approach @HearTheDevilCry on Twitter.

If you wish to publicise your volunteer activities, tweet me about it with a link to your event,
and SMTOWNSNSD will place it in the volunteer groups list! Or comment below!

Known volunteer groups for the 5th Anniversary (to be updated):

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