Monday 30 July 2012

120731 Tiffany @ The Set of 12Plus CF and Some Fan-Accounts

‎[FANACCs from SONEs at the shoot] 

1. Tiffany and the Korean staffs are gossiping about Jessica, don't know what it's about they are LOL-ing.. 

2. Tiffany arrived at noon, after arriving she eats is spicy sauce on fish! 

3. Tiffany's wearing flipflops all the way through the shoot

(Credits: saradolimz)

4. Tiffany greets in both English and Korean when she got into the shoot

5. Tiffany greets in both English and Korean when she got into the shoot

6. Tiffany really likes eating the snacks provided, she even took her manager's portion of snacks

7. Tiffany does everything quickly except wiping off her makeup, even wiping off the eyeliner takes time.

8. For the shots Tiffany likes, she will walk over tp the staff and give high five.

9. Tiffany's really friendly, happy, and funny!

10. Tiffany doesn't mind her idol image, every time there's a break she will eat snacks with the staff at the set.

11. At first the staff said Tiffany's so-so but when they saw her eyesmile the whole set are all stunned and o/

12. Taught Tiffany Thai yesterday. Because she was cold, I taught the word "cold" to her and she just chants the word

13. Tiffany imitiates the thai staff and said "TREEAAAM TAI KRAAAA" which means read for shoot

14. Every shot that was taken, the staff would say "so very pretty child!!!!" staffs really likes her.

(Credits: YulJeab21)

15. There are hundreds of SONEs waiting outside the shoot and Tiffany's walking over to say hi with the staff

16. Tiffany's shooting 50 meters away and she walks over to like 5m away from us or even closer. CANNOT COMPUTE.

(Credits: processic)

16. A bodyguard is holding an umbrella for Tiffany as she comes over to thank us. She bows and waiis! So close!! (Cr: crispbond009)

17. Tiffany is walking back. SONEs are chanting "FANY FANY FANY FANY.."

18. Tiffany came to say "sawasdee ka" (she then does the waii" and "kob khun ka". She waves then walks back. 
Few more hours til our Eye Smile's Birthday and there she is in Thailand filming for her newest CF, 12PLUS. You really work hard Hwang Miyoung. 
P.S : That sexy back Hwang Miyoung 

Cr : Yunie

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