Friday 11 May 2012

[TRANS]120512 Yoona UFO Replies

Fan: Best acting, I want to receive acting lessons from Yoona unnie! hehe take me in as your student~
Yoona: Aigoo I still have a long way to go, what are you talking about keke instead of me, go to GeunJang~ keke  
(NB: GeunJang = Jang Geunseuk)

Fan: Sone Im Yoona, how did you feel watching SNSD is Music Bank yesterday?
Yoona:It didnt seem like SNSD, it definitely has to be nine people... it's empty ㅠㅠ.. but TaeTiSeo jjang!!

Translate Credit: @hwangjinyoung & @minigigloSSF
Posted by: @Yona89091

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