Monday 24 December 2012

[TRANS] Chirstmas Greetings and Selca from Sooyoung and Tiffany

From Tiffany

AYO 소원! merry christmas^^
new years countdown
같이 합시당! (; DDAY-8*

(AYO SONE! Merry Christmas^^
Let's do New Years countdown together (; DDAY-8* 

From Sooyoung

소원!!! 메리크리스마스!!^^ 
컴백을 예고하고, 글이네요?^^ 
근지러워 죽는 알았당께롱..ㅎㅎ
예고하고 나니까, 괜히 !! 빨리! 보여주고 싶다는!! 으하하!! 
 이제 진짜 조금만 기다리면 새로운 소시의 모습을
있으니까! 기대 많이 해주세요:)
 기쁨과 감사가 넘치는 성탄절날
 주위 분들과 사랑을 나누며
따듯한 크리스마스 보내세요^-^!

그리고 마음이 훈훈해지는 좋은 소식하나 !
 저희 소녀시대가 시각장애인협회 연구기금 마련을 위한 경매를
26일부터 시작한답니다^^ 
좋은곳에 쓰이는 만큼 여러분의 많은 관심! 부탁 드려요♥


  Please check this site!
We need your support:)

이런 좋은 소식은 널리널리 퍼뜨려서 공위터의 위엄을 보여줍시다 하핫^^메리크리수마슈^^

(SONE!!! Merry Christmas!!^ㅡ^
It's the first post, after giving notice of a comeback. ^ㅡ^
I thought I was dying from wanting to tell.. Hehe
After giving notice, I want to show you our comeback!! for no reason!! earlier! euhaha!!
Now, if you really wait for just a little more, you will be able to see a new Soshi!
So look forward to it :)
The day where happiness and thanks overflow, Christmas,
Share love with those around you
And spend a warm Christmas^-^!♥
And one more piece of heartwarming news!
SNSD is starting an auction on December 26th to raise funds for the association for the visually impaired ^ㅡ^
As it's going to be for a good cause, give lots of attention! Please♥


Link below↓!!

↑ Please check this site!
We need your support:)♥

Let's spread good news like this far and wide, and show the dignity of official homepage+Twitter* haha ^ㅡ^
Merry Christmas ^ㅡ^♥)


 Credits:, translation by ch0sshi@ssf

@fadilpinandita for @SMTown_SNSD 

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