Friday 3 May 2013

[TRANS] 130502 Yuri UFO Replies

[TRANS] 130502 Yuri UFO Replies

Check out [TRANS] 130428 Yuri UFO Replies
Check out [Picture] 130424 Yuri for Mamonde Promotion

[TRANS] 130502 Yuri UFO Replies

[Fan] it’s May, unnie, May! and next week, solo concert tickets go on sale~ there’s dream concert, too >_< and next month is really the solo concertㅠㅠㅠ heuheu i like anything if i can see soshi 
[Yuri] I like it, too…. as expected, it’s family month! 

[TRANS] 130502 Yuri UFO Replies

[Fan] behind.. behind you is a ki… ki…!! kiturami boiler~
hing~ you fell for it, right~?! +_+
[Yuri] that’s cute. hoot.

[TRANS] 130502 Yuri UFO Replies

[Fan] unnie, why do you keep getting pretty?? it can’t be…ㅋ it can’t be…. it can’t be!!! l o v e??
[Yuri] ㅋㅋㅋㅋ… haa (sigh).. dating? haa… stars, I’m going crazy

[TRANS] 130502 Yuri UFO Replies

[Fan] what song have you been enjoying listening to lately?
[Yuri] adele unnie’s songs. also, old songs

Sources: as tagged
Translation by ch0sshi

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