Wednesday 8 May 2013

[Picture] 130508 Taeyeon Instagram Update: '[Q] I Phone? or Galaxy? ☺ #new #baby'

[Picture] 130508 Taeyeon Instagram Update: '[Q] I Phone? or Galaxy? ☺ #new #baby'

Check out [Picture] 130508 Taeyeon Instagram Update: '맛난씨리얼바ㅁㅏㄴㅣㅅㅏ오ㅏ♥'
Check out [Picture] 130507 Taeyeon Instagram Update: 'Working? lol. #탱화백'

[Picture] 130508 Taeyeon Instagram Update: '[Q] I Phone? or Galaxy? ☺ #new #baby'

The caption of the photo:
[Q] I Phone? or Galaxy? ☺ #new #baby

Source: taeyeon_ss on Instagram

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