"Document#: E121865 | Phone#: xxxx-xxxx
| 8/6/2012
To / Recipient: JaU Entertainment
CC: Paik, Sang Hyun & Other participants
Subject: SBS K-Pop Super Concert in
America - Subjective cause of postponed
broadcast recording.
1. We wish the best for your company.
2. We regret to inform you that the 'K-Pop
Super Concert' has been postponed to two
months later. Please refer to the following
a. Title of Program: K-Pop Super Concert in
b. Prior to the Change of Plans: Originally
planned to record on Aug. 10th 2012
c. After the Change of Plans: Will be
recorded 2 months later than scheduled
d. Reason of Postponement: Disruptions in
the production because the investors, YJ
Entertainment and MFULL, unilaterally
canceled their investments which caused
insufficient preparation of the concert. The
decision then had to be made to postpone
the event. SBS and JaU Entertainment will
continue in the process of accomplishing a
successful event. Thank you for your
Credits: Absolute Kpop (SBS KPOP Super Concert Official Facebook) / hansoshi @ smtownsnsd
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